Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Visit with Eema ~

As most of you know, my former foster Eema spent her first seven years as a puppy mill momma.  She was adopted one year ago yesterday and unfortunately has a malignant tumor that is growing.  Thankfully she is still her sweet self and shows absolutely no signs of being ill.  Mom Dolly showers her with attention and her walks now consist of riding in a doggy stroller.

Here's her Ohio Pug Rescue sister Cher.

With mom Dolly.  I love this woman.  I wish we could clone her!  There is no better place Eema could possibly be.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you Dolly.


Dolly always spoils me when I visit.  Today it was home made cobbler with ice cream and this sweet little pin :)


I've learned a few more things about my Annie in recent days.  She can't hold her licker very well.


Tonight she discovered her harness.


She has also decided that she likes to eat tissue so she goes to the waste basket in the bathroom and steals it.
I swear she looks part monkey and the way she was sitting just cracked me up!


Tonight I had a never before problem trying to leave a comment with Julie on Plum Run CreekI would type the comment, hit preview and poof!  It was gone.  I tried it three times before giving up.  Julie, if you are reading this, I love your new cupboard!
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You must have the cutest pugs with such personalities! People who love animals have to have the biggest hearts and your heart Lauren is huge. Have a great Pug week!

  2. Lauren, darling pics of all the pugs. Bless Dolly for taking such good care of Eema. Annie is a hoot!
    I had trouble posting on Julie's blog also. I wanted to tell her how great her cupboard was too! Hugs, Lori

  3. Thanks for the update and pictures of Eema and her mom. Lauren, it was cute as the dickens to see Annie just finding her harness....much like kids learning something for the first time. Oh, and my Shadow loved tissue too but loved pulling it apart. She would even steal paper napkins from the table when you weren't looking, stand on it with one paw and pull apart with her teeth....naughty girl. But I'd do anything to have her bad habits and her back.

  4. OMG, what a nice lady to treat her pugs so royally. You sure got a wonderful pug Mom. I love those pictures and the pink harnesses and the dog buggy. Just too darn cute. Thanks for sharing. JB

  5. Lauren--i know about the comment leaving problems--i randomly have them at time, also-so frustrating!!

    LOVE Eema's new "royal barge"!!! She looks like Kae when she rides in her stroller--like Queen Cleopatra riding down the Nile on a Royal Barge!!! The DIVAMOBILE!!! love that cher's harness coordinates with the stroller!

    Annie is just too too cute--i'd almost MOVE to Ohio to adopt her!

  6. Thanks for the Eema update, Lauren. I'm happy that she is still doing well, and that her forever home is a happy one!

  7. Lauren, I love seeing your pics and updates on your sweet little pugs.... God bless Dolly for having such a big heart and caring for Eema.... and you, too, for being so kind and generous with fostering these babies!! They are too cute.... love them!

  8. Hi Lauren~

    Lovely update on Eema. She looks so comfy in that doggie stroller. Little Annie just cracks me up. She sure is a ham!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  9. Ahhhh...those girls sure do look sweet in their pink and black....too sweet!! So glad that Eema's holding her own and has such an angel in her life. And your little pugkey (well - what else does one call a cross between a pug and a monkey??) looks like she could be 'round the clock entertainment...You can just see the mischief in her face! Love it!! Thanks for the updates! Hope you're having a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. I just love all your fabulous puggy pix! I got a chuckle out of the "can't hold her licker" shot. Very clever of you.

  11. Great photos!! Bless little Eema's heart! What a wonderful person Dolly is!!!

  12. Love your stories of your little pugs. These pictures are adorable. I'm a follower and read your blog, but don't always get a chance to leave a comment. Blogger issues.


  13. Awwww! You & your readers are so sweet. It may be chilly & raining outside but this warms my heart :) I had some time to catch up & loved how your pics of the girls came out. (How did that strange human get in the way?) Love, love my pumpkin mat! You are so talented. Pug hugs back from Dolly, Sweet Eema, & Cher


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)