Saturday, August 20, 2011

More Sauder Rugs ~

Wendy Miller from the Red Saltbox was having a class today on her straight line hooking technique.  Oh how I wish I had been able to participate in the class!  She had several examples she had hooked ~ all designs from antique coverlets.  Her hooking is so precise ~ every loop is exactly the same height as the next. 


Here's another of Wendy's rugs.  "Haints" are evil spirits.  She said it's a southern thing.


Some random rugs from the show . . .

This was a very large rug . . . hooked with a very fine cut.  Magnifique :)

Isn't this a great pictorial?

This one too!

What a fun rug!

This rug was incredible ~ more like a painting than a rug.  It was hooked with a fine cut and the detail is breathtaking.  I have never been a fine cut hooker and never will be, but oh, how I admire what they do!

Splashing water!  How would you figure that out?

Thank you so much for dropping by.  I have many more rugs to share in another post (or two?).
Pug hugs :)


  1. Beautiful. There is so much talent out there.

  2. That last rug is incredible! I can't even imagine hooking something like that! Thank-you so much Lauren for sharing these photos for those that can't make it to Sauder like me! Wow! I need to get there one day!
    Cathy G

  3. Nice job with the photos. I can't believe what people can do with rug hooking! This is wonderful to see. Thanks for sharing with all of us! What did you pick up while you were there?

  4. Gorgeous! What lovely work! Thank you for sharing them.

  5. Wow! The lion rug is fantastic and the one with the splashing water, too. Incredible. I can't imagine being able to use color to "paint" with wool as those people have. What a talent.

    Thanks for sharing the pics, Lauren!

  6. I love the coverlet rug. and of couse the last one is amazing. so many rugs such inspriration.

  7. Oh Goodness Lauren...if I live to be 200 I'd never be able to hook like that! How gorgeous. They don't even look like hooked pieces.


  8. they are all just gorgeous!

  9. I love the pugs! And the rugs! Do you have any sources for wholesale wool and hooking supplies? I have a small quilt shop just starting out here in the Thumb of MI; I have been looking at our wholesale suppliers to no avail. Keep up the good work with the rescue; you are an angel for these babies! Merrie

  10. Those are some incredibly awesome and awesomely incredible pieces!! Holy, holy, wow!! LOVE that coverlet one - and the pictorials...and that last painting-sque one especially well! I've hooked in 5 a bit - and swore I would never again - I don't know how these folks to what they do - it's goregious - but it's a good thing I like primitive wide-cuts cuz I could never do otherwise!! Thanks so much for sharing again - can't wait to see more! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Lauren......your pics are wonderful. I am so in awe of these rugs. That last one of the water is unbelievable. And I love the close up detail or Wendy's work. I am sure sorry I missed this show.

  12. beautiful, Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

  13. Thanks for taking the time to post all these Lauren - I so wanted to go - must have been great seeing them all in person!

  14. Amazing rugs, thank you for sharing! Wow, that one looked like a painting with the splashing water!

  15. Well the talent that some people have is amazing!!!! I'd be happy to create one beautiful rug! Lol Thank you so much for showing the beautiful rugs.

  16. Incredible pictures, thanks so much! I've been remiss in checking people's blogs and boy have I been missing some good stuff. Also adored that ampi-car and it surely must have been a head-turner.

  17. Thanks so much for sharing your pic's. Makes me stive to improve ..

  18. Your pictures are very good, Lauren ~ you took a lot of them!! I'll send people over here to look!!!

  19. Oh how I wish I could visit Sauder one day - those rugs you showed were all incredible! Beautiful work ! I do hooking with finer cuts but am still a newbie with fine shading techniques. I thought that winter scene with the red house was simply stunning! thanks for taking us there - Mel


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)