Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Difference Between Men and Boys . . .

 . . . is the price of their toys :-)

My DSO lives in a marina.  Last week a friend and his wife came driving up.  Isn't this just the cutest thing?

It's an amphi-car from the 60's.  After launching the amphi-car at a nearby dock, they stopped by Fritz's dock.

It definitely is an attention-getter!

And they are off once again.

I didn't get to go for a ride :(  Maybe next time.

* * *

It is rug hooking week at Sauder Village.  I'll go up for the day on Thursday.  I don't "need" anything . . . other than a #9 cutter head :) so hopefully I won't be too bad.
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Those cars are a hoot but for some reason they also kinda give me the willies. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. that is a cool car kind of like a personal duck boat.

  3. Lauren,
    Way cool! It looks like something Maxwell Smart would have driven on the T.V. series back in the 60' 70's? Get Smart! You need to catch a ride next time!!
    When you go to Sauder look up my friend Jill Holmes and tell her Hi! I think you mentioned you bought some wool from her one time. See if she'll show you her pumpkin applique rug she is teaching a class on there this year...... it is beautiful!!!
    Have fun and please take lots of pics!!! Some year I am going to get there myself!
    Cathy G

  4. That is one cute car but I would be a bit nervous in the water!
    Have fun at Sauder and take lots of pics :)

  5. !!!! Now THAT is all kinds of cool!! I am deathly afraid of water (can't swim because of it...), but I think I might even be tempted to go for a ride. Woo Hoo!! Hey...I need a 9 blade too...I have a Townsend cutter and it threw me into fits when they went out of business....I hear, tho, that another company has taken over and is marketing under Bee Line...is that what you have??? Enjoy the day! Smiles & Hugs~ Robin

  6. How fun, What a neat car. Have fun hooking!

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Well, between this post, and the one before this post ... (Which I can remember those car/boats) ... I really feel old ... And yes, I am wondering what happened. When did I get so old?
    Thanks for sharing, and have a great week ahead.

  8. That car is the neatest! Have fun on your hooking trip.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  9. That is one cool car. I love the bubbles coming out from behind the license plate! Have a great time at the hook-in week...even if it is only for the day.

  10. That is so cool. I laughed when I read Cathy G's comment because it reminds me of Get Smart too. It certainly would attract some attention.

  11. Have fun at Sauder Village! Mmm, a 9 blade. I'll get one of them some day :)
    That car is so cool. I can't wait to show it to Nicole. She will love it lol.

  12. Hi Lauren - that is surly a COOL car. I don't remember them but Oh well you can't remember everything. I loved your posting with all of the useless facts. Set the tone for a great day. Have a great time at Souder.

  13. Oh how fun!! Hope you get to try it out next time!!

  14. Lauren, What fun to have a car that doubles as a boat! I'm jealous that you get to go to Sauder Village...have fun!

  15. Hi Lauren~

    Maybe you can go for a ride next time. Looks a little scary though!! Have fun at Sauder Village.


  16. That's just about the coolest thing ever!

  17. Hello Lauren~That car or boat is so cool! Have fun at Sauder Village! Thank you for dropping by my blog..hope you've had a great summer!

  18. Oh lauren, I would love to have a dreamy car like that. Just too cool. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Hugs, JB


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