Thursday, June 16, 2011

Eema Update & a Couple of Rugs ~

I got an Eema update from Mom Dolly.  The tumor has grown a bit, but she is not showing signs of being ill.  Dolly reports that she is still experiencing a good life and enjoying her days.  These pictures were taken just a few days ago.  Here she is trying to get a treat from her Kong.  Eema loves her treats!

Playing with her "mousie".

Enjoying the sun on the deck!

As if Dolly hasn't enough to deal with, Eema's Ohio Pug Rescue sister Cher is also having some issues with her knee caps.  Dolly is supposed to keep Cher calm and not let her jump or do stairs.  Good luck with that!  The first time I met Cher, I said she acted like a pug on drugs.
* * * * *
Last night was hooking at the library.  I only got a couple of pictures before my camera battery died.  I hate when that happens.  Here's Sylvia's rug ~ very bad color but what fun.  The circles are all rolled wool.

Andrea is working on the chicken rug that was started at camp.


Here's lookin' at you kid!

I finished the hooking on my little eagle mat.  I'm happy with the way it came out.  Now to get it bound and to my BFF ~ UGH!  (Not the BFF part, the binding part.)

There is a hook in this Saturday at Kingwood Gardens in Mansfield, Ohio.  I really haven't planned my next rug and do not have time to do so in the next day and a half, so on a leftover piece of linen, I drew up a pumpkin and will have room for another small mat or two.  I guess that's what I'll take with me, though I know I won't do much hooking!


Please say a prayer for a very dear friend.  Both Judy and her hubby Neal were very special friends to both Fritz and me.  Neal went to meet his Katie and Sadie at the Rainbow Bridge.  My heart aches for Judy.  I'm sure your prayers would be greatly appreciated.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren~

    Eema looks so happy & content. Poor Dolly having to keep Cher calm. She's got her work cut out for herwith that high energy girl. Love how your eagle rug turned out!! Praying for your friend Judy. Sending hugs her way,


  2. Glad to hear Eema is maintaining - she sure looks happy and content....what a lil' ham she is....Those rugs are awesome! Love the little eagle mat of yours (that background color is dreamy....!) - But the penny one and chicken one are both awesome!! Please, please show us more as they progress....Your pumpkin mat looks sweet too - but, hey - you're not leaving much to do at the hook-in - pumpkin's already hooked! I'm sending prayers up for your friend, and her family - wishing them peace and comfort...and healing. Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Lauren, I am so glad Eema is still enjoying her doggie life!!!

    So love all the hook rugs!!!! OLM

  4. Good girl!! You finished your project for your BFF!! I'll see you Saturday ~ I want to take a small project, too ~ because we never get much hooking done anyway!! So sorry about your friend's loss ~ and for your loss as well. I love Sylvia's rug ~ wonder if she'll bring it to Kingwood?!

  5. I love the rolled circle rug, great primitive colors.
    I hope Miss Eema does alright, I hate to think of sick dogs.
    My granddaughter (12) just got a nine week old English bulldog she named him Milton

  6. Hi Lauren.....I see that you are going Saturday and Alice is too. That settles it, I am coming too!
    Love all of your pics that you have posted.

  7. I love the pics of the pugs what troopers they are and the chicken rug is darling.Keep your chin up hugs. Prayers as always.Cheri

  8. Lauren - So sorry to hear of your friend - Oh so hard I'm sure. Happy to hear about Eema - what a cutie she is - she looks like she's enjoying that deck time! Poor Dolly - I can well image trying to tell Cher to stay calm! Way to go on your finish! Now is it this upcoming Thursday you are visiting! So excited if you do come out!

  9. Dear Eema looks so happy. Those are great photos of her.
    So sorry about your friend.

  10. I feel sorry for Eema although her she is still having a good life now. It would just break my heart to see her suffer.She sure looks happy and well taken care of.

    I"m glad that you got your little rug finished. It looks lovely.

    I'm sorry about your friend. Take care. JB


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