Saturday, April 2, 2011

March Report Card ~ April Goals

Hi All ~
Thanks so much for stopping by.

It's hard to believe that we are now in to the month of April.  It seems like just yesterday I was sitting down writing my goals for the month of March!

Let's see how I fared in March ~
  • make that birthday gift I didn't make last month ~ DONE
  • finish my taxes and get them mailed ~ finished my son's and my mom's.  Mine have been done for a week but just want to double check them again.  They will be in Monday's mail ~ WOO HOO!
  • bind my horse rug ~ NOPE
  • make a "wool hookin' tools case" (a pattern by Jenifer Gaston of the Woolen Willow) ~ NOPE
  • finish hooking this little tulip mat ~ DONE
Hook this Maggie B rug from her book "With These Hands". The finished size is 24 1/2" x 17" and for me to hook that in a month would be a MAJOR accomplishment MIRACLE!  ~ CLOSE ~ I started it on March 9 and I am pleased with what I got done.  As I've said before, I am a very S-L-O-W hooker, and I've never gotten this much hooked in a 3 1/2 week period.

  • purge 4000 (yes, four thousand) emails from my in box. Why don't I just delete them as they come in??? ~ DONE
Now I guess I need to go out on a limb and state my April goals for blogland to see.
  • finish the Maggie B rug
  • bind my horse, tulip and Maggie B rugs (UGH!  I hate the finishing part!)
  • make that "wool hookin' tools case" that I didn't make in March
  • make my "pay it forward" goodies and get them mailed
  • purge 2000 more emails
  • have a give-away
Since I'm anticipating the weather getting nicer (am I dreaming?), that's it for the list.  There will be lots of yard work to do, so there won't be a whole lot of time for strictly fun stuff :(  Just not enough hours in the day.  Too bad I have to sleep!
I've been a list maker for years and it really helps me to stay on task.  If I didn't have a list, I'd probably get nothing done, so thank you so much for letting me share it with you!
Thank you so much for stopping by and I do hope you are having a wonderful weekend, whatever you choose to do.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I am impressed with how you are doing with your lists. I need to get my pay it forward stuff done too and I want to do a giveaway. I better get moving.

  2. I love the rug good job. I am impressed how you finished up the other things. I too finished my taxes. I am still having a problem with the nook I may have to go back to my old hook. It takes me way to long.

  3. I'm right there with you on the PIF gifts. I also added another rug to the list for the hook-in April 30th. Got half a cat hooked today, but nothing else!! Maybe we like living on the edge like this!!

  4. Wow! I can't believe how much you've gotten accomplished! I love your rugs - I haven't pulled a loop for at least two weeks now - need to get back to it! Good luck on reaching your April goals!

  5. You got a lot done!!! I'm a list maker to. Can't get a thing done without one!!

  6. Well done, Lauren. Just the taxes alone is a great accomplishment. Why is it that the lists keep getting longer and longer no matter how much you ddo?????????

  7. Hi Lauren,
    WoW! Not bad ... you did really well on you March to do list. Here something funny,just before I logged into my dashboard to read my blog list, I ordered the book " With these hands" from Amazon ... I can't wait to get it now that I have seen your mat! I love your mat,and the colors are great!
    And BTW, I am the worlds slowest hooker ... LoL! Have a great week ... And you may have to shorten the April to do list, if the weather gets better ... I mowed the lawn yesterday!

  8. Good going, Lauren! I think you got a lot accomplished... the biggest being the taxes! Not just yours but two more on top of that? WOW! And, the rugs are beautiful!

  9. I think you got a lot done! There is always such a sense of accomplishment when we can cross things off the list. Love your rug too. Definitely I need to get back to hooking!!

  10. Way to go!
    Wish I could be so orgainzed. Being a procrastinator doesn't help!
    Supposedly we will be getting some slightly warmer weather this week. We can only hope!

  11. Lauren,
    I always love seeing your lists....makes me feel not so alone in the lists that I have :)

  12. wow! i love both of those rugs, lauren :)
    the colors are great!

  13. Good job, Lauren! Remember what you learned at finishing class ~ but you still don't like to do it, do you? I usually finish them right away ~ but have a couple to do right now! Guess I should make a list and put that at the top!!!

  14. Hi Lauren,
    You are very brave to put your list out for all to see! I make lists then put HUGE checkmarks by what I have actually done and a smiley face! Sometimes it's only one or two things I get done but boy do I LOVE making those big old checks ✓!!!
    Cathy G

  15. Hey--you got a lot done!!! I'm a list maker, too--an d my #1 on my April list is CRAZY TRAIN!!! so much going on and counting down to a friends wedding in May and the garden and and and....what's sleep??

  16. Lauren~

    You did great on your list. Love your tulip mat!! I need to start making lists again.

    Have a good evening~Becky


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