Thursday, March 31, 2011

Springtime in Ohio ~

It is said
if you don't like the weather in Ohio,
stick around for a day.
* * * * * *
These photos were taken
last night at 10:30 pm.

 And this one was taken today
at 3:30 pm.

This is why
I love snow in March.
* * * * * * * *
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren, YES March snow, if you have to have snow is the best!!!! We are suppose to get a bit tomorrow... Still looking for Spring! OLM

  2. I still don't like snow in March!!! YUCK!!! This winter is lasting 4-EVER!
    Please, please, please, let it be OVER!

  3. We're gearing up for it tonight into tomorrow...I hope I see the same thing. My husband just came home and put his car in the garage. I'll brave it and maybe get a cheap car wash out of it!

  4. Same exact new snow/no snow here in NY, blech... At least we're in good company:) Bring on April!

  5. the trees all look pretty though.It started here in trumbull county around two and didnt stop all night.Its all gone now,thank goodness.have a great night!blessings michelle

  6. we are waiting for a foot of snow I sure hope that it goes the same way yours did. but I am not betting on it.

  7. Wow, will the snow ever let up. We were originally suppose to get some of this snow, but it completely missed us. Thank goodness. Hopefully this will be the last of the white stuff for you.

  8. Oh my, when I saw the snow I thought....just wait it won't last long and then the last photo said it all.
    Glad it melted for you!


  9. Would you feel sorry for me if I told you we still have 3 feet piled up in places and that's from that storm 2 weeks ago!
    I try and think positive knowing we needed moisture but I wish it would come now as rain! ( April showers alright already!!!)
    Cathy G

  10. Wow! lots of snow, and I relate to it very much so. I live in Northen Calif. and we have been hit with one snow storm after the other and spent nearly a week with out heat or lights. Brrrrrrr it was so cold.
    Hope you get some warm weather soon. LenZie

  11. Yep, It's the same way here in Utah! We've had so much snow this year, and it's warming up so quickly, that the authorities are starting to worry about flooding when the snow melts in the mountains too quickly. I'm sure not looking forward to the summer heat - I savor the last days of winter.

  12. Snow be gone!!! Bring on Springtime!

  13. sorry Lauren..I know exactly how you feel..oh, wait a LIKE snow in March? Not me! Where did Spring go? Bring on the sun, and THE WARM! (from one Ohio girl to another) (: Hugs~Kathy

  14. Fingers crossed now that it's April - we had snow this morning and now it's just rain and dare I say the sun tried to take a peek!


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