Monday, February 21, 2011

This is what I get . . .

. . . for doing a springtime happy dance
in February.
It is a blustery, cold day
here on Ohio's north coast.
At least it isn't
supposed to stick around for long.

 Sam the office cat
decided the top of my desk
was THE place to spend the afternoon.

Thank you so much for stopping by.
I do hope you will come again soon.

Pug hugs :)


  1. That is funny. You jinxed it with the happy dance!

  2. Ahhh before you know it spring will really be here. Sam looks like he enjoys office work!

  3. Getting ugly here too - That same is a cutie - My goodness woman - your desk is so neat! Mine never was (but I did know where everything was!)

  4. Ooooooh! His fur is so silvery and soft looking! What a little cutie!!! I love it that an office would have a cat or dog living there!
    We're getting probably the most snow we've gotten all winter. It's coming down like a blizzard right now.
    I did it too! I was telling someone yesterday that I thought Spring is on The Way!!! NOT!!! I should have kept my mouth shut!

  5. He is a pretty cat. we had two days of spring like temps but now we are in back in the deep freeze. Never underestimate mother nature.
    have a great day

  6. LOL.. yea I think we were all doing the Spring Dance..and worst of all we Knew better especially those of us who live in Ohio...Just when all that Ice was gone what does it do but rain we got like an inch of Ice and a couple inches of snow on top of it.. My van is solid Ice again so can't get any of the doors open..

    Sam is beautiful..his coat is such a pretty Gray ...

    Stay warm and no more Happy dances...LOL..


  7. Hang in there Lauren! Spring can't be too far off! Sam is a beautiful cat! A good mouser too, I bet! :-)

  8. Is kitty a Russian Blue? I just love that breed. I had one once called Emily. We got a touch of snow yesterday. My 3 year old nephew said to his Dad, my brother, "It's snowing again, Daddy, we just can't stop it!" Seems so, doesn't it!
    Take it easy!

  9. Snow, Snow, there goes the snow plow and I thought spring was around the corner - what corner????

    Love Sam with those large green eyes!

  10. Was that darn ground hog lying to us??? We just 10 more inches dumped on us on Sunday your kitty..he is a pretty grey. Just saw you post for the antique show...I am dying to go to a show. Are you going to the Gathered Treasures in April? I am going to try and make it. Looks like a good one!

  11. Oh I love SAM!!!! How beautiful.

    You have what we have outside! - plus we got 3 inches of snow in the night so more white stuff out there!

    Hey, are you going to IL next weekend, 4th and 5th for the Prim and Antique shows in Arcola and Arthur, IL...that isn't very far for you to's 5 hours for us - maybe the same for you????


  12. Ugggh...I'm so tired of this weather! Hope to see you on Thursday, at the farm : )

  13. Your cat's fur looks so.... velvetty! :)


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