Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday's Antique Show ~

There was a little girl
And she had a little curl.
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good
She was very, very good.
And when she was bad
she was horrid.

Welcome friends.  Thank you so much for stopping by.  That is the start of a nursery rhyme my Mom taught me when I was young (a long, LONG time ago).  Well, today I was bad, but not horrid.  BFF Belinda and I went to an antique show.  I attended the show maybe 7-8 years ago.  It was a very good, high end primitive show.  I heard it wasn't nearly as good as in the past, but I managed to find a few treasures I just couldn't live without . . . lol :)
I spotted this little guy walking in to the show and since he was still there when I was leaving, it was meant to be, right?  I really know nothing about these door stops.  It was sold to me as old and I believe it to be.  He's sitting on a piece of an old quilt I also purchased at the show.
This little Steiff elephant was calling my name, so how could I say no? 
Two little pillows made from old quilts ~ the red one is hand quilted ~ sitting on the most wonderful coverlet ~ my splurge of the day.  It is in wonderful condition, most likely Civil War era.
Unfortunately it may be just a little too small for the full size bed in my guest room.  (It's way too short on the other side.)
All in all, a good day, topped off with a Five Guys burger for lunch.  Life is good!  Now if I'd just get a little hookin' done...
Pug hugs :)


  1. sounds like such a fun day. I grocery shopped and cleaned the house. yech. I love you door stop he sure looks old. I don't know much about them either.
    enjoy the rest of your weekend

  2. I love the doorstop!! So fitting. I love antique shows, but sometimes it is hard to manage the high end ones after the thrill of the thrift shop!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. WOW! What great treasures you found today!!Love the door stop!!

  4. Lauren~

    It sounds like you had a wonderful day. I love the doorstop. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  5. I love the doorstop. My Dad has one that he painted when he was in the army back in the early 40's. I want that to be my memento of him. His is a pointer and I can remember it as far back as my memory goes.
    Beautiful soft goods.....
    BTW~ I hate word verification!

  6. Hi Lauren. What great goodies you found. I love the doorstop!!

  7. You go girl! The best time to snatch up treasures is when you see them!

  8. You got some great treasures! There was an antique show here this weekend too, but I chose not to go this time - trying to cut back on 'stuff'. Would you believe I've never eaten at Five Guys? I think I need to remedy that!

  9. That little Steiff elephant is a treasure! And a coverlet too! How wonderful!!! Those are some very nice finds!
    Glad you had a great time shopping.

  10. Hi Lauren,
    It always fun shopping with a friend - but even better when you find cute little treasures. The elephant and the pug are both good finds.

  11. The doorstop is my pick of your finds! Great piece! Did you say 5 guys?!?!??! That is my most "favoritest" places to get a burger!!!! YUM!

  12. FUN DAY!!!!
    What an adorable door stop and it's probably from the 40's I'd guess - seems they were very populara back then.

    Beautiful coverlet for the bed...but who sees the other side - I'd leave it.

    I think you found some wonderful items.
    Have a great Sunday,


  13. It sounds like a fun day. I love the treasures you found. Have a great day today and I hope you get some hookin done. Lisa

  14. You cleaned up!!! Love the doorstop!! And if you can't find anywhere that will fit the coverlet--it can come live at my housE!!

  15. Wow Lauren - you always find the coolest stuff! I want to go antiquing with you! Love everything!

  16. Such awesome finds! Really some great treasures. Glad you enjoyed the day.

  17. Someone I cared for a lot when I was little, used to say that poem to me because I had very curly hair! Thanks for the memory! And yes, you did good with your treasures!!


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