Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Report Card ~

 ~ Welcome Friends ~
Our weather did not end up nearly as bad as predicted and I believe the bulk of the snow has fallen.  The temperatures are now falling and I believe we are in for a couple of frigid days, but we fared so much better than many other parts of the country.
I guess it is time for my January report card.
  • finish taking down the Christmas decorations and get it all hauled to the attic. I started at the beginning of the week and I am tired of living amidst chaos.   DONE
  • cross stitch a little Valentine pin keep   The stitching is done but it is not assembled.
  • learn how to make a toothbrush rug  I learned the technique but stopped working on my project because the beginning tension was all wrong and it would never be square or flat!
  • bind the little cat mat I hooked  The only thing left to do is add the label.
  • finish the hit and miss mat I am working on  The hooking is done and the binding is half done.
  • hook a little mat I was asked to hook 1+ years ago  It is hooked but needs to be bound.
  • hook a small Valentine mat as a gift  It is hooked but still needs to be bound.  Do you detect a pattern here?
  • hook a minimum of one hour on my horse rug ~ for some unknown reason I can't make myself finish it, so maybe if I spend an hour hooking on it, I will be inspired and can continue on.  I failed miserably at this one :(  I didn't even get it out of the basket to even think about hooking on it.
  • HAVE A GIVE~AWAY  DONE!  I just need to mail off the third item.
I also hooked two other little mats and made a number of the woven wool hearts.  I am VERY happy with all that I accomplished!

Now on to my February goals ~
  • go through my mound of paperwork that needs to be filed
  • start on my taxes (I always put this off until the last minute)
  • clean the basement (now my idea of a clean basement and your idea may be totally different!)
  • clean the bottom of my closet (how does it end up looking like that?)
  • bind and label the little mats that are hooked
  • construct the Valentine pin keep (hopefully before Valentine's!)
  • hook a little mat for a friend
  • make a birthday gift for a friend (what to make???)
  • have another give~away
  • FINISH MY HORSE RUG!!!  (at least the hooking part)
Well friends.  There you have it.  I hope I am as productive in February as I was in January.  For me, it really helps to write things down and all of you can hold me accountable :)

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Stay safe and warm!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Good going, girl!! Lots accomplished really! Now to February's list ~ you'll make lots of headway, I'm just sure!! How's that for cheerleading!!!

  2. Good for you. Like I said I need a list I may get more done. We got plenty of snow about 12 inches. and more is on the map.
    I can't wait for spring

  3. Congratulations on getting things crossed off your long list. I'm a list maker person too and couldn't do half of what I get done without a list. JB

  4. Lauren,
    Well, I don't have my 3rd rug all hooked, but I have made progress on it....hope to have it all finished by my hubby's birthday, Feb 27th. Seeing your post was a good reminder for me!

  5. Lauren~

    Congrats on all you got accomplished!! I find that I always seem to get more done when I make a list. You have motivated me to make a monthy "to do" list. I love your end of month "report card"!!

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

    BTW~we got 16" of snow. Very pretty to look at, but horrible if you have to drive in it.

  6. Good job! I'm a list maker too. Usually it's the only way I can get anything accomplished. Always makes me feel more productive when I can look at the list and see things crossed off!

  7. Kudos to you Lauren! I think ya' done good! :-)

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Glad the weather wasn't as bad as expected. Do the weather people predict worse so we'll like them better when the worst doesn't happen???
    You have a great list of accomplishments! Keep it going!

  9. You did great with your list and I love the month end report card idea. There is one thing missing from February's list......bind all the little mats you started in January?? LOL Sorry, couldn't resist!
    I wonder about the bottom of my closet too. I think there is a little elf who sneaks in and messes it up.

  10. wow--you got ALOT done last month!!
    I am almost finished my rabbit latch hook project(my "horse" is you will) I have to force myself because I've totally lost interest in it --too many other shiny new projects have my eye!

  11. Whew.....Lauren...good for you!
    Much of your February list is what was on my January list... which I didn't finish so I guess I will just move it over to about that!
    My problem is that sometimes I keep my list in my head and that's not a good thing!

  12. Lauren, Love the idea of report card... I never get to everything... I spend to much time on the computer, I would have to ground myself from blogging for awhile!
    Had high hopes of all I would do with being snowed in, we got 20inches.... I didn't even scratch the surface! LOL!!! OLM

  13. My gosh, are sooo busy! Can't wait to see your pinkeep and rug. I finally finished my i just have to edge it. I need to make myself a report card..but I am sure I would have failing grades!

    We had more than enough snow yesterday. Hopefully it is over..doubt it...but I can hope!

  14. Hi Lauren,
    I LOVE the idea of posting your to do list ... makes you really accountable when it is out there huh?
    Anyway, great strides in January! I hope you get your horse done ... I'd love to see it.
    Gonna have to try the list thing tho ...
    Have a great weekend!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)