Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Buddies are the BEST!

Welcome friends.  Thank you so much for stopping by on this nasty February night.  We woke up to about 5-6 inches of snow ~ not too bad ~ and for the most part of the day we were without precipitation.  That changed a couple of hours ago and we are getting freezing rain and it's just supposed to get worse.  Even if the city shuts down, I don't have the luxury of staying home because I work for the Street Department and we spent the day fielding many complaints concerning snow removal.  I have a feeling tomorrow will be worse :( 
I got the most wonderful surprise in the mail yesterday from Cathy over at Acorn Hollow.  She recently became a first time Grandma and I sent a little gift for her new granddaughter.  She sent me the most beautiful card, a yard of wool and this Sampler and Tapestry Embroideries book.  It is a republication of a book originally published in 1913.  How cool is that?  Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Cathy!  Like I said, blog buddies are THE BEST :)

In just a few days I have gotten so far behind in my blog reading and wonder when I can get caught.  I miss reading what is going on with all my friends.  I'm guessing I am having some computer issues this evening because of the weather, so I won't be doing much catching up tonight.  Maybe tomorrow???
I can't believe it's February already!  Today would have been my Mom's 91st birthday.  I have a funny little Mom story.  My Mom was always a feisty one and the older she got, the fesitier she got.  Until the week before she died she could still communicate a bit.  One evening when I was leaving I told her I loved her and I'd stop by the next day.  She told me "bullshit"!  That is the last thing I remember my Mom saying, and if you knew that great lady, it was a perfect ending.  Love you, Mom.  Happy birthday!
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is a funny story about your mom. We have been getting freezing rain for hours. It's really bad here.
    Stay warm!!

  2. Lauren, I can relate. I work in municipal gov't too and the day after a storm is the worst! Complainers and whiners and potential insurance claims for days. Bah!
    What a nice little gift from Cathy. She is sweet. Love your Mom story. My mom doesn't talk much anymore but recently her favorite thing to say (at the worst time) is "I'll kick you in the ass". Most of the time I laugh but occasionally I want to crawl in a hole.

  3. Great story about your Mom! Yes bloggers are the best and you are one of them! What a great gift! Stay safe and warm out there in the frozen tundra!

  4. That is a good Mom story, Lauren! At least she had an excuse ~ sometimes it just rolls off my tongue!! I hope they all treat you nice tomorrow ~ remember ~ "everyone we meet is fighting a battle of their own, be kinder than necessary"!!! Hope that helps you get thru your day!!! I'll be thinking about you!

  5. Good story about your mom.Mine was pretty ornery too.Its pretty nasty here in Trumbull so be careful tommorow you sure are gonna have a busy day.blog friends are the best.Im so glad I started to blog.have a great night.blessings michelle

  6. My baby brother works for a street department, plowing, salting, etc. Hope you get to work safely!!!

  7. Very funny memory of your Mom! Can't help but smile with that one! :-) A sweet surprise from Cathy too! Stay safe in warm in the goffy weather we're having!

  8. I'm sorry you have to trudge out to work in this weather. I teach, so I get a snow day, but my husband works for a utility, so off he goes and I worry. Great Mom story. It sounds like she was a cool gal.
    All the best,

  9. What a nice surprise you got in the mail. please be safe going out to work, the weather seems to be terrible all over the US.
    Stay Warm
    PS... love the mom story...

  10. Love that story about your mom. She sounds like she had a lot of spunk.
    STay warm. ox

  11. I love the mom story. I know it hasn't been that long since she passed so this bithday is hard.
    Glad you liked the goodies

  12. Lauren, I so love your mom's story... Love her last words to you!! My mom would call me Bitchy Girl... Mom's real last words to me was that my Fruit loop sister & my dad were driving her crazy...LOL....
    Stay warm! We got 20 inches!!! OLM

  13. Love your Mom story--sounds like she was quite the character!


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