Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday ~

It's a rather cold Monday here on Ohio's north coast, but I have the day off work so no complaints from me :)
Saturday DSO Fritz and I decided to take a few hours and head to an antique mall about an hour from here that I had not been to in a number of years. We checked the Internet and it said that it was open 10-5 daily. We got there just before noon and could not figure out why there were no cars in the parking lot and it appeared to be closed. Well, the sign on the door said that they closed in September ~ ~ ~ of 2007! Sure would have been nice to know!
The nearest antique shop/mall I could think of was the one I had been to just a couple of weeks ago, so off we went. I had seen this last time I was there and this time decided it "needed" to come home with me. It's not something I would normally buy, but what the heck ~ it's a pug on a pin cushion. Everyone ought to have one of those, right?
I also picked up a few plastic snowman ornaments from the 50's. Not too exciting but it's always fun to come home with something.
Since Jake did not have school today, we had a sleepover. I couldn't resist this picture of him. He almost looks like he is faking it, but he didn't even flinch when I took several pictures.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope your week is off to a good start and you are staying warm. How many more days until spring?
Pug hugs :)


  1. Another antique mall closed! OHNo!
    Jake is such a cutie next to his big companion!
    Cute treasures you found again!!

    Cathy G

  2. LOVE the picture of Jake!! So precious. I like your purchase too, it's so much fun to go 'on the hunt' and come home with a little something. I am always on the lookout for pug things when I go antiquing out here. So far nothing.

  3. I love the picture of jake the pj's he has on has eyes are just peeking over the quilt.
    You still had a day out and I bet you had fun anyway.

  4. I think that you definitely need a pug on a pincushion!!! It's always fun to find such great things like that. And Jake is adorable. Love his big sleeping companion too!

  5. Aaaaw, Jake is so cute! I love the 'eyes' peeking over the top of the quilt! LOL!

    How many days till spring? TOO MANY!
    We're supposed to get snow, sleet, freezing rain and who knows what else for the next day or two. YUCK!!!

  6. Awww... that's cute, Jake in his SpongeBobs sleeping with his dog.

  7. It wasn't a wasted trip because it led you to the pug pin cushion. It is perfect for you! Cute pic of Jake. He does look like he is pretending to be asleep.
    Kim :)

  8. I'm surprised the posting was still on the internet after four years... I have to confess, I've done the same thing. Only I didn't check the net first! Ooops...
    Hope the little guy starts feeling better..

  9. Love your finds. It is so disconcerting to find more and more antique malls closed. Ebay has taken its toll. The hunting is the fun part. Jake is adorable. Love his bed companion.
    Mother nature did her bit here last night. About 2 inches of snow covered with an inch of ice! Every thing glistens but is so hazardous. Keep warm and comfy.

  10. Lauren, the trip wasn't wasted you did get some great finds. Which antique mall did you go to that was closed??? and....which one did you find your goodies in??? Jake sure is a cutie!!!!!
    Hope to see you tonight!!!!


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