Sunday, January 16, 2011

Before & After ~

WELCOME to my little corner of blogland.
Thank you so much for dropping in :)
FINALLY!!! My Christmas decorations are all boxed up and have been hauled to the attic. It has never taken me this long to get everything boxed up and put away. But I'm done. Woo hoo! I am doing a little happy dance. About 80% of my "normal" things are now back in place. I must have spent a half hour looking for 2 of my hooked rugs. Now, I must confess, I was re-blonded last night, but how do you lose hooked rugs? (Actually, I still haven't found a hooked rug that I put away at Christmas at least four years ago. One of those mysteries that may never be solved!) I finally found the rugs, but still cannot find one of my framed cross stitch pieces that I need to rehang.
Here's a few before pictures...

...and after...

I had about given up on my amaryllis blooming. I planted them before the end of November and by Christmas they had not grown an inch. I was hoping to find the receipts (highly doubtful) and return them to Home Depot. Well, lo and behold, they are starting to bloom. The stem on the one in bloom is only about 6" tall. I've not had luck getting them to re-bloom again so I just buy a couple new ones each holiday season.
BFF Belinda and I finally got together to exchange our gifts and she got me this sweet little penny mat. She tried to tell me she made it but I knew!
She also gave me these Halloween items. I just love the stack of pumpkins.
Oh, dear little Hopscotch has been full of pi** and vinegar lately. Our Loocie is 5 1/2 and VERY laid back and Hopscotch just torments her to no end. Hopscotch wants so bad for Loocie to play and for the most part, Loocie will have nothing to do with it, but poor Hopscotch just won't give up! Isn't she just too cute?
I have been busy hooking my little mats and I've completed three of them and two of them have the binding sewn on. Woo hoo, I'm on a roll. Maybe my hooking mojo is returning? I certainly hope so! I've also done the little cross stitch piece, but only the stitching is done. Hopefully I'll have pictures to share soon.
Time to get back to work.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hopscotch seems to be quite a character! Speaking of things getting lost....I lost a library book and finally went down to just pay for the darn thing...they said if I found it in the next 6 months they would refund my money...wish me luck. Oh well, I borrow so many library books I didn't feel too bad about having to pay for the lost one....felt more bad that I lost it.
    Doesn't it feel good to have all the Christmas stuff put away?!

  2. Yeah, you got Christmas put away just in time. It's almost time to get the Valentines stuff out.
    Glad you got your hooking mojo back. Don't lose momentum, you need to finish that horse!
    Hopscotch cracks me up. Millie and Loocie would get along great - she refuses to bother with other dogs also. She seems to think it's my full time job to entertain her! :)

  3. That Hopscotch is too cute! Shame Loocie doesn't want to be bothered but that's her perogative!

    Way to go on getting all that Xmas stuff away - Most of still sitting on the dining room table! Oh well one of these days.

    Losing rugs? Hmmm did you put them somewhere you were sure to remember (like i do?)

    Way to go on all your hooking and stitching! Wowzer! Can't wait to see pics

  4. You must feel so good getting those decorations down. Now, about those things you've lost - you know that they'll show up when you least expect them too, but hopefully soon. Love your gifts and Hopscotch looks like an angel, even filled with pi** and vinegar!

  5. Lauren, I have to laugh, yet feel your pain, I too put thins away in a "SAFE" place, only to take forever to find them again! I once lost a ring, I hid while on vacation for 3 years!!! OLM

  6. What a lovely home and glad you were able to finish. I hope you find the missing rug and sampler. Hopescotch makes me laugh every time I see a picture.

  7. Hi Lauren,
    I have three wild kitties who would love to give Hopscotch a run! I can just imagine the state of the house afterward!
    Hope you find your rugs. Doesn't it just drive you crazy trying to remember when you may have put them? I waste more time trying to find things I put in a safe place.

  8. Ahhhhh...The after pics look so comfortable.Now you can take a break in your fresh house.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  9. Hopscotch is so adorable. I'd have to stop what "I" was doing and play with her.
    I got all my stuff put away tooooooo. I was very late this year myself, but it just wasn't bothering me. I really took my time organizing it this year for next. I haven't put all my stuff back in place yet. that will be a journey for me. I am looking at one empty space though and asking myself "what was there" lol???

  10. Lauren,
    Your house looks so neat and organized...... It's hard to imagine you could misplace a rug! You must have too many hiding places! LOL
    Hopscotch needs a lively little playmate! She is so darn cute!!
    Can't wait to see what you've been working on.... good job at getting some projects done! It's not even the end of Jan. yet!!
    Cathy G

  11. Hey Lauren....I'm so glad that I am not the only one that loses things!!!! The house looks great and little Hopscotch does look like a pistol!

  12. Oh Lauren, I love Hopscotch. She is such a cutie. I too have the "lose things itis" never know where I put certian wools that I am sure I need for this rug or that rug. Part of the problem is having to much stuff. Hope you find the rug soon. I too have been getting my hooking mojo back. I think it is the Christmas blues that take it away.

  13. I guess we had the same problem Lauren since I easily lost things inside my house (or I just forget where I put those, lol). Anyway you had a great taste when it comes on arranging things and that rugs of yours perfectly suites the place. Having rugs at home simply enhance our place.

  14. That little hopscotch certainly is cute! You can see in that pic she is pleading to be played with! lol! I bet you feel real light now that the Christmas decorations are tucked away! Let's make some room for Spring! :-)


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