Saturday, January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas to me..

...and Happy New Year to you! I hope you had a safe evening spent the way you wanted. DSO made a prime rib, we watched "Holiday Inn" (really kind of corny but wonderful singing and dancing) and I even did some hooking.
So many people in blogland are talking about simplifying their lives and purging possessions. I decided to ponder the idea while I was at the antique mall about 45 minutes from home.
Most of the dealers had a percentage off all their merchandise, so how could I resist saving between 10 and 25%?
This little 4" Santa is my favorite purchase of the day. That's the Merry Christmas to me part. He's a cotton batting Santa from the 1930's and just too sweet!

I bought another little cubby, though I still haven't hung the other one I bought back in the fall. It's made from a small old crate. It says "2 dozen 10 cent twists" on the side.
These plastic Santas from my youth (a long time ago) were just too good a bargain to pass up :)
I've seen a number of cross stitch or punch needle items that have been mounted on top of old oil cans, so just in case I want to do that, I will have the oil cans!
Just down the street from the antique mall was a "Quilt and Embroidery" shop. Since I'm not a quilter, I would not normally stop in, but I thought maybe there were some cross stitch goodies to peruse. No, just quilt stuff but almost everything in the store (and it was BIG!) was 50% off. Now I've always heard of toothbrush rugs, but never actually seen one. The owner had one for demonstration, and it is so easy, I just had to buy the little tool and a couple of patterns ~ I mean they were 50% off! (I probably should just have gone online for instruction, but hindsight is 20-20). Of course then since the fabric was on sale, I thought I'd better buy some just in case I get the urge to try it. It does take a lot of fabric to make a rug, so I have enough fabric to make something small.
I am thinking about making a sewing roll (I think that is what it is called) and you need a small piece of quilt batting. So I bought a yard of it and it is 90" wide. Why you ask? Because it was 50%!
So much for simplifying my life :)
Last night, had I not been a few worms short, I would have had a 2010 finish. Instead, I already have a 2011 finish. I didn't realize how skinny the cat looks until I took the picture. WOO HOO!!! Maybe I am on a roll and am getting my hooking mojo back. Then again, maybe not, but it did feel good to actually hook something. I guess I just need to set the horse rug aside for a while even though I am so close!
As always, I just want to thank everyone for stopping by. I am so blessed to have made so many new friends since I started blogging.
I hope your new year is off to a good start and it only gets better.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Happy New Year! You finished the cat rug in record time. Now you can move on to the horse rug.

  2. I like all your good buys Lauren! Now tell me how to go about simplifying our lives! I can't seem to part with anything but I have really tried to stay out of the antique shops....... There are too many good deals out there right now I'm afraid!
    Your kitty rug is wonderful! I'm trying like heck to get my hooking and creating mojo going...... not having very good results.....did sort some worms by color today though! A start perhaps?
    Cathy g

  3. Happy New Year Lauren! Love all your new finds!

  4. Oh Lauren, how I love your shopping attitude! How can one not enjoy a bargain??? I love the Santa's - so cute and such reminders of days gone by. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the new and wonderful year ahead.

  5. Wow great bargins Laureen, geez i will have to look up simplify, cause I will do like you did. I made a toothbrush mat, I do so love it. They are very easy to do, but I found it very hard to get it started, discouraged myself to not do another. I did mine in red and tan, actually took the class at Country Craft Cupboard.

  6. OK, I think its only you and I who can actually collect more stuff when trying to purge and simplify!
    Your little cat mat is very cute and I hope it kick-started your mojo. Maybe you need to put the horse rug away for awhile. I think it is blocking you.
    Oh, and I am still giggling about that special yoga class!!

  7. Wow, already a 2011 finish. I was bummed that I didn't get mine done last night maybe I need to look at it as a finish for 2011 and get off to a good start too. Hope you have a good weekend. The cat is cute.

  8. Love the little batting Santa! I went antiquing Friday and have been thinking about a tiny bottle brush Christmas tree that I saw and am mad at myself for not buying it. Might have to go back and see if it's still there.
    Like you cat mat!!! Now come on, tackle that horse!

  9. Oh I wish we lived close to each other. I love holiday Inn. and I have that little 4" santa and would not pass up another one. I have seen the oil can things and it is on my list to make.
    I have never heard about a toothbrush rug. or a sewing roll. I did hook last night and I want to finish this big rug. I need a few smaller projects to give me a change.
    Happy New Year

  10. Lauren, I have the same disease. I get rid of some of my stuff but can't resist a bargain and I keep bringing some more stuff home. It gives me joy to look at them. I never used to decorate and my house was so bare with no knic knacs. I only have so much place to put things so it has to be a constant movement of in with one box and out with one box. That's how I

    You skinny kitty looks great. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I much appreciate your comments. Happy New Year. Hugs, JB

  11. Lauren, First Love HOLIDAY INN!!! Great finds! Love the old plastic Santa's I have several myself!!
    Ok, Simplify??? I don't know where I would begin, or what I could possibly part with, I love it all so! I just maybe need not to buy as much? have a wonderful new year! OLM

  12. Beautiful rugs! And darling pug! Have a warm, safe and cozy New Year!
    Take Care,

  13. My way of shopping - why pass up a bargain! Love your finds! Great prim rug!

  14. Great santas Lauren! A sale is a sale is a sale... no need to say more :)
    Your hooked piece is adorable, and I like the skinny cat. Nice shape. Very prim. Glad you were able to spend time with family, sounded like a great time!
    Here's to a new year for you, hope you get many projects done, or whatever else you have on your list...

  15. Lauren, anybody can 'purge' and 'simplify' ~ it takes real fortitude to help keep the economy going~ and you're doing a great job of it!! Love your purchases, especially that little Santa and the cubby box!! I love my 'stuff', too ~ it makes us feel good to be surrounded by all these wonderful antiques! Have a great year, friend!

  16. Lauren,
    My Mom would LOVE those Santa decorations!
    You certainly came home with a lot of good finds at good prices. Whoo-hoo!
    Hope the year is starting off good for you!

  17. Ohhh, so love those santas....Like your cat rug, too...Have a Happy New Year...

  18. congratulations on your kitty rug finish - looks like a fun time hooking at the farm and learning all kinds of naughty things - those girls must be a bad influence LOL - I'm getting geared up for Off the Ocean rug camp which starts next weekend - I have not hooked as much in 2010 as I wish I had - NO I don't have a finish for the exhibit this year - however maybe next year I'll have several. Purging and simplifying is so overrated! Cheers Melody


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