Wednesday, December 1, 2010

From the Bottom of my Heart ~

I thank all of you for your kind comments and emails. They mean so much to me! Many of you have gone through the same thing and you have my sympathy, too. Those furbabies have a way of wiggling in to your heart.

Yesterday it was near 60 degrees in Ohio. Today was a rude awakening but not unexpected for this time of year. We had our first snowfall, though very little stuck to the ground. Unfortunately it will get a lot worse before it gets better.

Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, I know how difficult it is to get used to the emptiness of not having your pet greet you when you come in. Even though we know they are gone, we still have our moments that we expect them to greet us as we come home.

    The weather doesn't seem to be able to make up it's mind lately.
    Hugs. JB

  2. Sorry lauren I sent the snow your way. ha

  3. Hi Lauren,
    I haven't been on the blogs lately and just saw your post - I'm really sorry for your loss - I commented on the previous post.

    We had snow here yesterday but now it's gone...but like you said...MORE TO COME and will stay for some time to come too.


  4. We've been very lucky here in Maryland with the weather. Yesterday it rained buckets and we are supposed to have snow showers on Saturday. Winter is really here. Eloise and I are thinking of you.

  5. Sorry to hear about your sweet Linnie - I'm sure you made her life very happy while she was with you. We finally have some "cool" weather way down south but it is welcome - two days ago we had a record high of 85 and that is just not christmas time to me! Mel


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