Monday, December 13, 2010

The Big Tree & Special Ornaments ~

I am happy to report that our blizzard with a possible one to two feet of snow has not materialized. We got a few inches of snow with the chance of a bit more, but so far, so good. The temperatures have plummeted and the winds are fierce, so with the wind chill factored in, it is miserable!
Tonight I will share the living room tree that you saw "naked" yesterday. My tree is very eclectic. I have everything from homemade ornaments, a few vintage, lots of Hallmark, ornaments received as gifts, etc. The memories come flooding in while I am hanging them.
Here are some very special ornaments I hang every year made by my sons who are now 31 and 29.

These were made by my dear niece who is now "middle aged". Actually she is a very young 41, but when I turned 40 she told me I was officially middle aged. Sorry, Elise. I won't let you forget that.

This is an ornament made by my Mom. I believe it is bobbin lace.
I have lots more Christmas to share with you in the coming days.
Thank you so much for stopping by :)
Pug hugs :)


  1. The tree looks wonderful. I walk down memory lane while I'm hanging ornaments too.

  2. such wonderful memories I just love them. The hard work that went into them as a child. Oh I love your clock!!!!

  3. just beautiful Lauren - isn't it fun dragging out the ornies and just remembering something special here and there!

  4. I love the handmade ornaments! Such special memory's.

  5. I love a tree with handmade ornaments that tell a story. The memories do come flooding back as you unpack each one.

  6. The handmade ones are priceless.So much love put into those.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  7. The memories are priceless. The tree is beautiful and so full of those memories. Love your mom's lace - treasure it - we only get one mom!

  8. Your tree is beautiful & the memories are surely treasured. :)

  9. Those handmade ornaments and memories are the best! You are blessed to have each and every one!
    That little bird feeder ornament is just the sweetest! I think your kids are artists and should be designing your rugs Lauren! :-))
    Stay warm and safe!
    Cathy g

  10. Your tree is beautiful!!! And your special ornaments make it so!

    Carmen and the Primcats


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