Sunday, November 14, 2010

Please tell me ~ ~ ~

that Thanksgiving is not in eleven days...
even if you have to lie to me :)
How is it possible?
I've seen Christmas trees decorated
and lit in peoples' houses for a couple weeks.
Are these the same people
who take their tree down on December 26?

Remember when we were kids
(well, some of you may remember)
that the Christmas season started after Thanksgiving?

I've read of a number of bloggers
who are already decorated.
I'll start my decorating
after my out of town family leaves after Thanksgiving.

For most of December
I will stress myself out
and make myself crazy.
I'll just never learn!

Pug hugs :)


  1. I am with you about decorating after thansgiving. I have not see any trees up yet. and it makes me ill to see the tree at the curb the day after christmas. I keep mine up probably to long. But when I was a kid we had a real tree which I do not have. But it went up a few days before christmas and stayed up until after new year. It was deemed bad luck to take it down before.

  2. Here in Canada, Thanksgiving was earlier, on October 11 and then we had Halloween, and on November 11 we had Remembrance Day.

    Nothing goes up before Remembrance Day, but after that date if the weather is nice, I start putting the christmas lights because it's easier.

    This year I've started to decorate with pine branches in my large flower pots in the front entrance before the soil freezes. I still have to add more decoration on the branches.

    My Christmas tree tree goes up when I have the time to do it, usually at the end of November and comes down after Epiphany in January. JB

  3. I'm with you, Lauren. I don't start decorating until the weekend after Thanksgiving and we cut down our tree, so we don't even put our tree up until the second weekend of December. We leave our stuff up until after the New Year.

  4. I'm with you too on the ranks who decorate after Thanksgiving. And then it takes me until Christmas to get everything right. One of these I'll learn - start early!!! Nah, it'll never happen! :o)

  5. After Thanksgiving is soon enough for us. And most of our stuff is more winter oriented (snowmen, icicles,evergreens, poinsettias). While I know most people love the Santa, we consider him the embodiment of commercialism at Christmas. It is a religious holiday--Jesus' birthday. We don't go overboard with the religious decorations, but I have a few wonderful things I like to see. We put them away after the new year. Our trees(I put up several small ones.) are decorated with gingerbread men, birds, icicles, nests, sprigs of berries, stars, homespun bows and a minimum of lights. All the Hallmark ornaments from when the kids were little are in the kids homes so the grandkids can enjoy them. My collection of antique glass ornaments are in our only daughter's home. She decorates 2 trees--one for the adults and 1 for the kids.I get worn out just thinking about it. So much stuff.... "Keep it simple." Isn't that the prim motto?

  6. I'm afraid it is just around the corner darling! Next Saturday (Nov 20) is our towns Christmas Parade and official street light up ceremony!! Can you believe it??

  7. Hi Lauren,
    I'll wait too, finish one Holiday at a time!

  8. I too can't believe time is going so fast. I have started thinking of it this way- that if winter goes this quick I will be one happy camper(who doesn't camp) lol. I guess we just have to hang on and get as much done as we can.

  9. I hate that people decorate for Christmas so early!! I think it takes all the fun out of the season.

  10. I'm mostly with you Lauren with my house - weren't we just talking about the fact we couldn't wait for the hot summer to be over and fall to start

  11. I've seen houses lit to the brim with lights already.... now, I can see putting them on the house while it's still warm out... but, please wait until Thanksgiving evening to light them up? lol! Yah... I htink that we're all looking forward to some cold air and snowmen after the long HOT Summer we had... I know I am! I do, however, still have my pumpkins and scarecrows around the house... hope to tuck them away this weekend...

  12. Neighbors here were out in full force yesterday taking advantage of the warm weather and putting up their lights on the outside of their houses. My friend across the street yelled and said don't worry, we arent turning them on yet LOL. I will focus on Christmas when Thanksgiving is over. Yes, I remember when that was how it worked!

  13. My hubby started putting up the outside lights Saturday (we have a TON more to do) We won't light them until DEC 1st. i put up the outside garlands and non-light stuff the weekend after Thanksgiving. I'll start decorating inside next Saturday as it takes DAYS to do. We have an open house the first Saturday in Decemeber so it all has to be done. I'll be CRAZY the next couple of weeks!!

    I also have to figure out how to incorporate mmy Pedophile's Christmas fabric into the decor. Stockings??? Tree skirt??? Toilet seat covers???

  14. Christmas is my FAVORITE and I see no reason to wait! I'm like a kid in a candy store when I'm getting out my decorations! And then I leave them up until February!!!!! I just LOVE christmas and I spend soooooooo much time getting it all up I like to enjoy it for as long as possible. But that's just me. :) ♥

    Carmen and the Primcats

  15. Hi Lauren,
    I don't do my decorating until right after it's going to be probably that Monday after Thanksgiving as we're meeting a fellow Blogger on Saturday to exchange Christmas Swaps and have lunch....ANN from


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