Monday, November 15, 2010

More of my Get-Away

Welcome friends. Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read my ramblings.
This is the bed and breakfast my friend Wink and I stayed at in little Amanda, Ohio. The Dum family built the house and the current owner is Anna Ford.
It is a beautiful home! Oh, how I would love to live in a historic house like this.
A very unusual antique cupboard with pull out bins in the bottom.
Here's Anna hard at work preparing our breakfast. Both days the breakfast was phenomenal.
Such a beautiful presentation.
Friday evening we ventured out to Miller's Antiques in Carroll, Ohio. This log cabin is one of their outbuildings.
A few pictures from in their shop.

Linda Miller allowed us in her home, a beautiful log cabin. In the darkness, I could not capture a picture of the outside. Linda was so gracious ~ and trusting. She allowed us to wander (and drool) inside her home while she went back out to the shop.
Her fridge is hidden in this cupboard.

I believe this is Machiavelli.
My dear friend Wink. There had been a table in front of the settle but it had just been sold.
The first thing seen as you entered the house was the buttery.

I love this reproduction rug. I didn't think to ask if Linda had hooked it.
One of the downstairs fireplaces. I believe there were three.
A sweet little sampler.

I hope you've enjoyed my little tour of the Miller's antique shop and home.
Pug hugs :)


  1. so lovely. what fun to get away with a friend. It happens so seldom for me but when it does it recharges my batteries. I think Ihave a pattern of that rug only it doesn't say welcome on the bottom. Thanks for taking us along.

  2. I so enjoyed looking at your pictures of that wonderful home. One can only dream. Glad you were able to share it with a friend and get away for awhile! We all need that sometime!
    Cathy G

  3. Ooh drooling is right! Thanks for taking and sharing those pics! I love that version of that rug - I have the pattern to hook - one of these days I will get to hooking FOR ME!

  4. Lauren,
    Thanks for taking us with fun...those little girlfriend get-aways are just the best-i-est!

  5. i love to see what others do on their little getaways! such fun you had and to browse in her house would delight me to no end! thank you so much for posting this trip! jill

  6. So glad to got to the Miller's, Linda is a great lady and love her home. I think Jill Peterson hooked the rug as a gift for Linda. Looks like you had a wonderful week-end, aren't friends great.

  7. OH YUUUMMMM!!! I want to go there! Thanks for the pics!

  8. What a lovely home! Everything is so primitive looking. She is an excellent decorator!
    Glad you and your friend had a fun get-away.

  9. I want a 'buttery'!! I love that word! I've never been to Millers so thank you for the tour! Maybe this season, we'll get down there! The B & B looks very welcoming ~ love the poached pear!!

  10. Girl Get-aways are always so much fun. Millers looks like an interesting place. Love the beautiful antiques but maybe its just me .... but it looked like it could be haunted! Maybe it was the photo of the dog.

  11. Hi Lauren, what a fun trip!!!!!
    You got to get some great photos at Miller's - I did get some but there were so many people there.

  12. WOW! I just have to get to Millers! It looks amazing!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  13. My husband and I stay there once too!

  14. Lauren...wonderful pictures...I love the B&B! I have always wanted to go to Linda Miller's log cabin looks beautiful! So glad you had a fun weekend!


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