Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Finishes ~ ~ ~

Welcome friends. Thank you for stopping by.
Just a quick post to show you a few things I've finally finished ~ and yes, Kathy (Woolfind), they are labeled ;-)
Here's a small hooked mat that's about 11 3/4 x 12 1/4. It's a design by Lori Brechlin. I don't really like how I hooked the outermost row, but it's too late to change it ;( I don't remember if the technique has a name, but I rolled strips of wool for the flower.
A couple of small punch needle pieces that did not get done for Easter.

And finally, a small redwork sampler, a modified Blackbird Design freebie. Johana Kerhin was my maternal grandmother. I initially spelled her name the American way, Johanna, only to discover it spelled with only one "n" when I went to the cemetery and found her gravestone. I didn't have a frame that would work and did not want to make a pillow. I thought I would simply turn back the raw edges and blind stitch down. I measured entirely wrong and did not leave myself enough fabric, so I simply backed it with a piece of felted wool. I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but I'll eventually find a spot for it.
Thank you again for dropping by. I hope the weather in your neck of the woods is half as beautiful as the weather is currently on Ohio's north coast.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    More beautiful work!!!
    The little bunny with the flower is adorable! And I really like the sampler with your grandmother's name. What a nice remembrance!
    We're having perfect weather here in PA. Better enjoy it before the heat gets turned on!

  2. Hey Lauren - great finishes - love everthing! Oh that Kathy certainly has a reputation doesn't she!

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Those Bunny punch needle pieces are adorable! I love the sampler and the spelling of your grandmother's name. I have some very early samplers in my collection and I especially like the red stitched ones like yours. Great work!

  4. Lauren I love your rug and I love how you finished off your punch designs. You did a really nice job!!!! Hope your job is going good. Rhonda

  5. Beautiful pieces Lauren! You guys got me giggling, but remember this..... You will all thank me some day lol

  6. Love all your rug hooking and NP!! It is beautiful here in Ohio. Have a great day!!

  7. Beautiful! You did a wonderful job on them! I love all three of them! I hope you have a terrific Wednesday!


  8. GREAT Stuff Lauren!!! You've been busy!!!!
    An FYI,the rolled flower is called,quilling.
    I hope the new job's going OK!!!!


  9. Wonderful to see all these finished pieces...quite the variety in your crafting, too...hooking, punch needle, stitchery. Awesome!!

  10. Your work is always so pretty Lauren - sometime I will try my hand at this.


  11. Beautiful work and the cross stitch is just amazing!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)