Thursday, April 22, 2010

This 'n That ~ ~ ~

Hi everyone ! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Just a quick post to thank everyone who left such sweet comments about the antique pug that I purchased last weekend. So many of you thought he was destined to be mine ;-) I do love him and am so glad I splurged and gave him his forever home!
Hopefully next week I'll have a few small finishes to share with you. I just finished hooking a small mat I started a couple of months ago. Good thing I don't try to make a living as a hooker!
I have a bit of great news to share. I had been laid off for three months and last week got called back to work. Not the same job I had or quite the same salary, but I am not going to complain about a job with benefits. Under different circumstances, I would have totally enjoyed the time off, but it was a very stressful time ~ unemployment compensation just doesn't cover the expenses. I thought I would accomplish much more than I did, but I guess it wasn't meant to! I did clean about half my cupboards and purged tons of unnecessary paperwork (I burned up my shredder), but didn't hook or punch nearly as much as I thought I would.
This weekend I'm off to a hook-in down in Ohio's Amish country. It is only my second hook-in and should be great fun. Hopefully I will have lots of pictures to share with you!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    Glad you have gotten another job! Even though it's fun to be off and have the time to do the things you enjoy, the salary and especially the benefits are essential.

    Have a great time at the hook-in. Are the Amish actually doing the hooking too, or is it just in Amish country?
    Here in PA we have plenty of Amish women, but they don't seem to be interested in hooking.

  2. I'm so pleased for you - hope the new job works out well. Have fun at the hook-in they are usually a real fun time.

  3. Congratulations on the new job. Now you can really enjoy your weekend knowing you have a job and benefits waiting for you.

  4. So happy for you that you are returning to work! It certainly is tough out there.
    Hope you had a good time at your hook in.

  5. I am so glad that you were rehired! I am sure that makes you feel so much better! I hope you have a great Friday!


  6. Congrats on going back to work!! My hubby (he's a medical equipment service engineer) has been laid off since october 2009--company went out of business. He's been hunting but only one interview so far--and come to find out the company wasn"t even hiring at the time!! Thankfully i have a really good secure job and we have almost no debt so we are doing good. He's just getting BORED!!!

  7. So happy for you Lauren! Wow back to work and now finishing rugs! Just what I need! LOL! Enjoy your hook-in - sounds like fun! Can't wait to see your new finishes!

  8. Hi Lauren - I will be at the hook in tomorrow too. It will be my first. I will keep my eye out for you!


  9. Lauren, I am so glad you are back at work, but we miss you at our hookins.I will see you tomorrow, should be alot of fun.

  10. So glad you have less stress and an job. Take lots of pictures I have never been to a hook in.
    I did get to go to rug camp two diffrent years which was so much fun. thanks for getting me to hook again I will post progress next week.

  11. so glad you are back to work and hope your hookin turns out to be relaxing and inspirational for you


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