Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sometimes an antique whispers to you...

...and sometimes it screams your name!
Yesterday was the Gathered Treasures show in Mansfield, Ohio. It was a mix of antiques and primitive crafts. I arrived about an hour after the doors opened and the crowd was quite heavy. If money were no object, I could have filled my little SUV, but since that isn't the case, my purchases were limited. I brought my camera, but didn't think to take any pictures :(
I ran in to a number of my hooker friends and probably would not have paid attention to this item had Sylvia not mentioned that she needed to buy one. Well, I guess if Sylvia needed one, so did! I think she referred to this as a table riser. I still haven't figured out what I will put on it.
This great little slant side box reminds me of an apple box. It is about 13 1/2 x 8 3/4 inches. It has some age but is not antique.
This wonderful soap was only a dollar a bar and smells yummy. I should have bought more!
I got this wonderful robin's egg blue wool from Alice ~ A Day in the Life. The color is much better in person. I am going to try to use it in the horse rug I am currently hooking.
Aren't these great little necklaces? I bought one for me and two for gifts. I can't decide which one is going to be mine.
Here is the backside.
Okay, now for the screaming antique part. I only had a few booths left to visit when I came across this little guy. I say guy because he has a blue bow around his neck. How could I resist an antique pug? I've seen pictures of these before, but never one up close and personal. I gently held him and put him down thinking I might go back and take a second peek at him. At Alices's booth I mentioned it. Alice said I must go buy him and how could I not listen to my friend? So, back I went and he will now reside with me. At least I don't have to walk him!
Isn't he absolutely wonderful? I was told he probably dates to the 1880's. I forgot to ask what he is stuffed with (I have sent the seller an email and hope for a response), but I'm thinking it may be cotton, seeds and all, because you can feel little lumps in the face area. He's just under six inches tall and has the most wonderful, mellow appearance.
I'm not sure if this is where he'll stay, but I do like him here.
Rhonda - My Glory Stars also was set up at the show. Her rugs had already sold by the time I got to her booth, but she had wonderful punch needle and sewn items. Oh, how I wish I had taken a picture! It was the first time I got to meet her and she is a real sweetheart!
Thank you everyone for stopping by and I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend. Please stop by again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, How sweet for the wonderful comments!!!
    It was so nice to met you. I am so glad you said something to me, hopefully I will see you at some hook-ins!! Your pug is awesome. Thanks Rhonda

  2. Ok where do I start. Love hand made soap and 1.00 a bar is a deal. Of course I love wool and the robin's egg blue is the color of the moment yummy! The necklace my opion(that you didn't ask for)I like them all but prefer the double flag one. The Pug OH MY GOODNESS! I love him so glad you got him. I don't have a pug but would have snapped him up. What a fun day you had.

  3. Wow, Lauren, you found a lot of delightful treasures! Sounds like a fun show. Wish I lived closer!

    The little pug is adorable!!! So glad you gave him a forever home!

  4. Oh Lauren - you done good - Love your pug and everything else! What a fun day you had!

  5. Yes, I can see how the pug was a screamer! Love him!.....or her!

  6. Hi Lauren....beautiful goodies!
    Oh the pug pup is adorable and how was yours even before you saw it...
    Love the table round thingy...I saw them at the last wholesale show I went to...they were selling fast.


  7. Great seeing you yesterday and hope you enjoy your new found treasures. I love my table riser, have had it awhile and has been from one table to another, and I have the rectangle one also, another fun piece. Your Pug is adorable, I bet that was a purchase just waiting for you to show up. So perfect. See you soon.

  8. Absolutely wonderful finds! The pug is a great piece.

  9. You always find great stuff, Lauren! The little pug is teriffic, and he looks great with your other items. Thanks for sharing the pix of all your finds!

  10. Lauren,

    that little pug was definitely at the show just for you! what a wonderful collection of goodies...

  11. Absolutely love the little pug! How could you have not bought him on the first pass????? Sounds like a great time. Moments in time!!!!

  12. What a sweet pug find! I'm seen photos of this but now I can actually say I know someone who has one!

  13. That pug find is wonderful. I think that it was waiting just for you. It's a good thing that Alice told you to go back for him. Love all the things that you picked up. Looks like it was a wonderful time!!

  14. I so enjoy your posts! Great job.

    The "pug" you bought home is wonderful. Lovely patina about him. Maybe you can hook him a companion?

    Keep up the great blogging. I check in weekly from out East here in New Jersey.

    (We have a rescue Brittany and both of our cats are're making me think about pugs...but my husband would kill me.)


  15. cute is he! So glad you found such a treasure.

  16. Hi Lauren ~ catching up on blog reading after being gone ~ the pug is perfect!! So glad you 'heard' him call your name ~ you would have so regretted it ~ it's really a great little piece meant just for you!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)