Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nine Lives ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ Welcome friends ~ ~ ~
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really do appreciate it ;-)
I believe my Mom thinks she is a cat with nine lives. As many of you know, my dear Mom recently turned 90 and has been facing a series of health issues, mainly congestive heart failure and worsening dementia. This past Monday, "something" happened. They are not sure if it was a stroke, a TIA, or just her heart not sending enough blood and oxygen to the brain. She had some signs of a stroke, mainly drooping on one side of the face and her lower lip. It was heartbreaking. I seriously did not think she would survive. Well, in typical Mom fashion, by Tuesday she was doing much better and joking with the hospice aide, telling her that she was a pain in the a**. Gotta love my Mom!
I am so thankful my Mom is in hospice care. She is at home with 24/7 care and hopefully will be able to remain there! She is no longer being transported to the hospital for health issues. They are managed by hospice. Her nurse Sue is wonderful. The social worker is just a hoot. I know she's a great person ~ she owns a pug! The aides have been wonderful, too. Their goal is to make mom comfortable and manage her pain, and for that, I am thankful.
Please say a prayer for my Mom. She believes in the power of prayer and I know she'll appreciate it.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren,
    I will certainly pray for your Mom! And please remember that your friends are thinking of you also!
    I am so grateful that you have excellent caretakers to keep her safe and comfortable.
    HUGS!!! To you and the pugs.

  2. Glad to hear your Mom is a strong one! I had to giggle about the "pain in the (Bleep)" remark. My Mom is cared for at home with Alzheimers also and she likes to tell her caregivers she will give them a "kick in the (bleep)". Happy Easter and of course I will say prayers for your mom and family.

  3. Lauren - I am definitely sending prayers to your mom - and to you too. I know how hard it must be for both of you! I'm glad that you have caregivers that help take care of her. I hope that you have a Happy Easter and I will send extra prayers while I'm at Mass this weekend.

  4. Lauren~

    I am praying for your mom, you, and your entire family. I am glad that she has 24 hour care in her home. I am sure that helps you and gives you some peace of mind!


  5. Lauren, prayers coming your way for you and your mom. Glad to know she is getting great care and still has a sense of humor. Hope you have a happy Easter with your mom and rest of your family.

  6. My Gosh Lauren I think the older they are the more SPUNK they have and that's what keeps them Good for mom!
    Bless your heart for all you all are going through.

    Happy Easter

  7. Adding my prayers for you and your Mom...Hospice care is one of the most wonderful blessings for patients and their families...your Mom sounds like she has a lot of spirit!

  8. Sending up a prayer for your mom and you!! she sounds like she is a hoot!!

  9. Lauren ~ Praying for your Mom. I'm so glad that she is better. Hope you and your family have a blessed Easter.

  10. Glad your Mom is doing better. Hospice workers are one of a kind. Prayers for you and your Mom.

  11. Lauren, I'll be sure to remember your mom and the rest of your family in my prayers. I'm sure this is not an easy time but so glad that you have great care for her. It sounds like you are blessed with a very special mom! Have a happy Easter!

  12. Thinking of you and sending prayers to your family.

  13. I will keep your mom and you in my prayers. She sounds like such a fighter and I just love her spirit! God Bless her. ☺

  14. Lauren - will be thinking of you and your Mom and wishing only the best for both of you. Love your Mom's spirit (and yours too!)

  15. Sending prayers your way and for your mother. Also, for the great Hospice workers, they are very special people who help so many stay at home where they wish to be. So glad you have them to help you.
    Happy Easter,


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