Friday, February 19, 2010

Slap~Happy Hookers ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ WELCOME ~ ~ ~
Last month at hookin', most of the hookers decided they wanted to do a purse. It was decided that the hooking would be completed for today's get-together and Carol (on the right), would guide everyone in the finishing process. (Oh, what a talented lady! I'm not sure there's anything she can't do!) Here is everyone busy at work.

The purse assembly was very time consuming and more than a few fingers had needle pricks. Lisa decided to model her hat. (Cossack wannabe?)
And then the games began.

We were almost rolling on the floor in tears.
Aren't these purses amazing? Leather shoulder straps will complete them.
Thanks everyone for stopping by. Please come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love the purses !!! Looks like you girls had a blast :)
    Hugs, Angie

  2. The purses are great! Looks like too much fun, wish I was there.

  3. Boy did we have fun! I am still giggling. Hey, I wonder how Kaye's fingertips are doing this morning. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Well it looks as if fun was had all around! lol
    What a great group...and the purses are amazing. Great job.

  5. Looks like a lot fun - i'm glad i'm not the only one that puts things on my head! The purses are great! Love them! What a talented bunch you are!

  6. Lauren ~ It looks as if a good time was had by all! I Love the purses and the colors everyone chose. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thank you everyone for the comments. Yes, the purses are all wonderful.
    Alice ~ I opted not to make one. I'm kind of sorry I didn't, but putting them together was a real chore and you know how I hate the finishing process!
    Pug hugs :)

  8. Lauren, thank you for sharing the pics, I was still laughing on my way home.

  9. Sorry I missed the festivities. Looks like a good time was had by all!

  10. The purses are amazing. What a talented group of ladies. It looks like you all have a great time when you get together. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us! ~Dan~

  11. It looks like you all had a wonderful time making those purses! They're all really great!

  12. Yes my fingertips still have holes but worth it with all the craziness that went on, Lauren next time you are going to have to do a project, still laughing.

  13. LOL Wow, you ladies know how to have fun. Thanks for the smile.


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