Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Witch Is In ~ ~ ~

Thank you for stopping by. I don't really have "fall" decorations. I have lots of Halloween and a little bit for Thanksgiving. My decorations run the gamut from homemade, to craft show purchases, to imported, to tacky. I love them all. The witch was a birthday gift from one of my best buds. Isn't she great? The witch, that is. My antique step cupboard in the dining room. On the top shelf are ghosts I made about twenty years ago. The pumpkin on the top shelf to the left is one I've had since childhood ~ it's REALLY old!
On the middle shelf are five paper mache pumpkins and a paper mache witch on a pumpkin, dating from the 40's, I believe.

A close up of tin noisemakers in a trencher.
Another close up view ~ this time of paper mache items.
A gourd I painted a few years ago.
These decorations are on top of the pie safe in the dining room. My dear mom (she's now 89) made the ceramic items in the 70's and early 80's. She did beautiful work and I will cherish them forever. I painted the scarecrow to the far right in 1975!!!
These decorations sit atop the jelly cupboard, also in the dining room. About half the items are craft show finds (some of them were gifts) and the rest are imports.
A not-so-little punch needle mat ~ a Lori Brechlin design.
One of my favorite little rugs that I hooked a few years back.
A wreath made by my younger son when he was in Cub Scouts.
(He's now 28!)
A few more things in the kitchen. The flying skeleton rug was an eBay purchase. I painted the gourd to the left.
Don't you just love the green plastic tile? When I bought the house ten years ago, I swore it would be one of the first things to go!
I hope you've enjoyed the ten cent tour of my Halloween decorations.
Please stop by again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren ~ You have a wonderful collection of antique Halloween items! It all looks so perfect together in your step back cupboard. Thanks for sharing your collection through pictures!

    How did you get "The Good Witch" to pose so patiently "in costume?" :0)

  2. Hi Lauren, Great Display of your Halloween collection. Love it all!

    It was nice to see you at Quail Crest!


  3. Linda ~ I must have taken a dozen pictures of the "good witch", so I'm glad at least one turned out okay.
    Alice ~ Thanks for stopping by.
    Karin ~ Good to see you, too at Quailcrest. Did you find any more treasures?
    Stop back again soon :)

  4. Lauren - great collection and displays of your halloweeny stuff - awesome! Enjoyed seeing it all - the good witch is soooo cute! Now I need to work on getting my fall stuff out. It will be gone in a flash. Mel

  5. Oh wow - what a great collection of antique decorations - love everything!

  6. Mel & Joanne ~ Thanks for dropping by. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures.
    Pug hugs :)


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