Sunday, September 13, 2009

Something you don't see every day ~ ~ ~

Today in Ashland, Ohio, Pug Rescue was set up at an event to benefit the Ashland County Shelter. Usually fawn pugs outnumber the black ones, but today black pugs ruled! We had five black ones, one fawn male and a fawn puggle. Hopefully someone will have fallen in love with one of them and will apply for adoption.
This was just a hoot. This wire haired terrier spent most of the afternoon riding on the back of the horse, sometimes facing forward, sometimes backward. Both the horse and dog seemed very comfortable. It was a sight to see.
Yesterday was a great craft show at Quailcrest Farm in Wooster, Ohio. These guys (gals?) just cracked me up. Love the 'do on the brown llama. I didn't buy much ~ I could have, but didn't. I bought some small dried gourds for a wooden trencher and some luscious wool from Alice (A Day in the Life ~ ~ ~). I also got a pressed glass goblet ~ a real deal for only $5.00 ~ most likely late 1800's. I have quite a collection and use them everyday.
I spent almost five hours driving to and from the events plus the time at the events, and I wonder why I didn't get anything done this weekend. Go figure!
The weather was picture perfect in Ohio this weekend. I wish it could go on like this until next ~ but living in Ohio, I know better.
Thank you for stopping and hope you all had a great weekend.
Pug hugs :)


  1. They pictures are great! Isn't that terrier adorable? Looks like you had a great weekend (except for all that driving time)

  2. Lauren ~ I, for one, am so happy you drove to Quailcrest!! Thank you!! I didn't get out and about and forgot to go see those llamas ~ don't you just love them?? I always tell you know who that I want one and we'll just say it's a big dog!! You're such a good person to help out those doggies ~ I hope they find their forever homes!!! See you next weekend!

  3. Lauren~such great pictures!(: You're was an absolutely gorgeous weekend here in Ohio! I wish I could've gone to the Quailcrest show...maybe next time! Blessings for all you do for our four legged friends!

  4. Love the dog riding the horse and the Llame (Alpaca?) hairdo is just a hoot! I know you had a good time.


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