Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sauder Village ~ part 2

Thank you for stopping by for the Sauder Village rug show, part 2.
I must tell you ~ I am such a dork sometimes! I get to the show, get out the camera, and am stumped why it won't work. Somehow the video switch was on...turned that off and all is well. After about three pictures, another problem. I get a message that the "card is full". I have this huge card that holds a ton of pictures, but I never download them to the computer. Duh! I take some time and delete pics, take some pics, and pretty soon I get the same message again, so I take more time to delete more pictures. Good thing I take a lot of bad pictures so I had plenty I could delete!
Once again, here are more rugs in no particular order.

If my memory serves me correctly, the McLorney home is featured in the new Rug Hooking Celebrations magazine coming out any time now.

Close up.
Don't you just love Edyth O'Neill patterns?
I hope your week starts off with a bang!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, I'm sure glad you took the time to empty your memory card! I really enjoyed looking at all of your pictures! Nice for those of us who couldn't attend the show. Thanks!

  2. Lauren - I love the 5th picture that you shared, and I can definitely see some Jule Marie Smith influence in a couple of the other rugs. Thanks so much for sharing the photos.

  3. Lauren, Thank you for sharing your pictures. I would love to have been able to go myself, so this is a little like going, too. :0)

    I LOVE Edyth O'Neill patterns. Thanks again for posting pics!

    BTW, that was not a goldfish in the frog picture. I think it was a stem from one of the lily pads. There are goldfish in the pond, though!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)