Monday, August 17, 2009

Frannie the back!

(I apologize in advance if I've offended any pit bull lovers!)
My Frannie is back. I got a call last Thursday that it just wasn't working out. If you read my post about her adoption, I just wasn't confident that it was going to work out. The barking wasn't a problem, it was her aggression. She TERRORIZED their pug Charlie to the point that he didn't want to be in the same room with her. She AGGRESSIVELY took toys away from him. Well, not to be unkind, but if any of this is true, I think the little guy lacks!
Anyway ~ when I picked her up she went absolutely crazy when she saw me. I am sorry it did not work out for her. I hate that her life has once again been disrupted. I just am having a real hard time believing what was said about her. Granted, I wasn't there, but she is the sweetest thing. She has quickly fallen back into her routine with me. I think she may have another forever home lined up. I am so tempted to make her my foster failure, but if I do adopt her, my fostering days are over.
She does look ferocious, doesn't she?
More on Sauder Village in my next posting.
Frannie hugs :)


  1. Frannie looks adorable to me! Perhaps the problem wasn't the dog, but the new environment.

    Thanks for sharing the Sauder Village photos!

  2. I think she knows where "home" really is.... Sorry it didn't work out, but glad she is where she is comfortable again..

  3. You're a good person, Lauren ~ and Frannie knows it!! Smart doggie!!

  4. AWWWWW Lauren - how sad and the funny thing - I was in the car today driving to lunch and out of the blue - I thought of little Frannie and wondered how she was doing - isn't that odd! I know there are great needs for fostering but it would be hard for me - as someone who exhibited dogs for many years - I only bred 7 litters in 25 years because there are just so many stupid people out there - I could not bear for my kids to end up with stupid people and it was never about the money with me. Hence I was more of an exhibitor than I was a "breeder of purebred dogs". Good luck Frannie! Mel PS - so enjoyed the Sauder photos.

  5. Thank you all for stopping by and leaving me a comment ;-)
    Frannie is doing great and I'm loving having her back with me. I am so tempted to make her mine, but like I've said, not having a fenced yard would then end my ability to foster. Fostering is very rewarding and letting go is very hard, but I know I am doing what's best for the pug. So very bittersweet!
    Mel ~ Glad you enjoyed the Sauder pics. I still have more to share.
    Pug hugs :)

  6. Lauren - Undoubtedly there are "personality" conflicts between some humans and animals. Maybe that is just the case with this recent adoption failure. Here's hoping the next adopter will be "the one!" Frannie deserves a home as wonderful as yours has been for her!

  7. Hi Lauren...I think Frannie wants to live with YOU!...I want her to live with you too! (:

  8. Lauren,
    So saddened to hear she didn't work out with her new owner's. I think she belongs to you my friend.


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