Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ to everyone! ~ ~ ~
I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday. Last year, my dear significant other (DSO) Fritz and I spent the 4th in Petaluma, California. His older son, Frank, an Army doctor stationed in Alaska, had just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. His younger son Matt lives in Petaluma and his daughter Heather flew in from Michigan. Pictured below are Matt, DSO, Frank & Heather.A couple pictures of the fireworks we enjoyed.
We stayed at the coolest little hotel in Petaluma, the Metro. It was decorated in a kind of funky, Paris chic decor. Just a fun little place to stay.
I highly recommend it!
There was a little patio outside of most of the rooms.
A view inside the "lobby" area.
Inside our room was the smallest claw foot tub I had ever seen!
Here is a funky goose lamp that was in most of the rooms.
It was tacky, but it made you smile :)
(Yes. our room really was lavender.)
The lavender was in bloom and it smelled heavenly!
From Petaluma we headed to San Francisco. What a fun place to visit. More about that some other time.
Thank you for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I just had to visit your blog after your visit to mine ~ seeing your Rugs & Pugs name! I have a pug named Madison, she's almost 8 yrs. old now, had her from 8 wks. old. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her ~ the chunky monkey that she is, LOL!

    You have a beautiful blog and I really enjoyed my visit!

    Pug Hugs back at ya!

  2. Marte ~
    Thank you for stopping by and I do hope you will stop back!
    Aren't pugs just the most lovable shedding machines? I swear they can shed their weight in fur every month!
    Pug hugs :)

  3. Um.... too funny! Look at that date!!! LOL! Anyway Lauren, I sooooooo agree with the shedding thing with pugs. I take Madison for her annual check-up and leave her for a Spring shave ~ my vet's has a grooming service too.
    Puggy Huggy to you my friend :-)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)