Sunday, July 5, 2009

Confederate Cemetery ~ ~ ~

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday, spent with family and/or friends or doing whatever made you happy.
Today was an absolutely gorgeous day on Ohio's north coast. The perfect day for my first motorcycle ride of the year. We hopped on the Honda Valkyrie and headed to Johnson's Island, located in Sandusky Bay. Johnson's Island is a private residential area accessible by causeway. The only area open to the public is the Confederate Cemetery. The cemetery is owned by the Federal Government and maintained by the Veteran's Administration. It is Ohio's most significant Civil War site. The following is taken directly from the website
Military Prison on Johnson's Island
The creation and administration of the Depot of Prisoners of War, Johnson's Island, Sandusky Bay, Ohio, is perhaps the most historically interesting part of the island's colorful history. During the 40 months of its existence, approximately 10,000 men were processed into the stockade on Johnson's Island. Most were Confederate officers. Twenty-six were either generals or officers who became generals during or after their imprisonment. Others confined there were a small number of privates, bushwhackers, guerrillas, and citizens suspected of disloyalty to the Union. The maximum number of prisoners at any one time was about 3224 in January, 1864.
This is a view of the cemetery looking north. The 1912 date on the sign refers to the year the iron fence and gates were installed.
View looking south to the monument.
This is a view looking southeast from the monument. If you look out over the water, you can see rides from Cedar Point Amusement Park.
I hope you have enjoyed today's little history lesson.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love going to old cemeteries. Great place to find folk art designs;)
    Working on patterns today, so hopefully they will be all set by tomorrow.


  2. Hi Lauren ~ we were over there on Friday to see a potential customer/friend ~ I love it over there ~ to visit only ~ too far off the beaten path to live!! And we didn't miss the mayfly season entirely ~ they are still there ~ hanging around ~ landing on my while I took my morning walks!! Yuk!!! But not as bad as you had them a couple of weeks ago~


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