Tuesday, August 27, 2024

More Sauder Rugs ~

When taking pictures at the rug show, I tried to keep them in some kind of order by category.  I think I was semi-successful.  It was hard to not post every picture, but I am hoping not to bore you non-hookers!  I wish I had some accomplishments to share . . . but sadly don't . . . so here is today's show.

Many of you hookers will be familiar with Cindi Gay.  This is a room sized rug she worked on for many, many years.  The colors in person would just blow you away.

This group exhibit was titled Fractured Frakturs.

And this was the State of Wisconsin challenge.

Some of you may remember Jennie from the blog Over the Hill and Running.  

Still a few more Sauder rugs to share next time.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. Lots of talented people created a room full of beauty. While I enjoy seeing all hooked rugs my favorite were the primitive and wide cut pieces. Thanks for providing eye candy for all of us to enjoy.

  2. I was scrolling and came across (three times) what I thought was a photo. Wow. They are hooked!!

  3. Just incredible hooking . Amazing , Thank you for sharing !

  4. Just amazing work!!! Some day I might get there I hope.

  5. *This* non-hooking reader is never bored with your posting rug show photos! The color combinations used, how they got different textures, the difference of styles...so many ideas for other forms of needlework. The first rug shown would be a great crewel design. The Fractured Fracturs would make good applique designs for quilts.

  6. Simply AHHHmazing! Wowza! Quite the variety in this round. While my comfort zone is primitive, I can't help being gobsmacked by some of those fine cuts - especially those portraits....That Victorian lady, the child with the dogs...and the last one!!! (Looks like Medusa to me!). And I see Cathy's washer woman made an appearance. Thanks for another great show! ~Robin~ (I have no words for the Wisconsin exhibit LOL)

  7. Wonderful rugs as usual. I just bought some Fraktur cross stitch patterns to work on. Those rugs look good too. Janice


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