Monday, July 1, 2024

Belle of the Ball ~


Yesterday I went to an outdoor vintage market.  Since I still have my houseguest . . . and she hates to be left home . . . we headed out.  Ernestine is twelve now which really isn't old for a pug, but she has arthritis and can't walk long distances.  Plus she is so darn stubborn I would have had to drag her when she decided not to walk (and she is much too heavy to carry for long!).  If I must say so myself, she is just the cutest thing and got so much attention.  So many people wanted to pet her and I heard from a half dozen shoppers that they had a pug at home.

My "treasure" that came home with me was this garden gnome.  He has his faults but fits in my garden perfectly.  I just love garden junk!

A couple weeks ago my enabling sister-in-law told me the mega antique mall about an hour from me was having a sale.  I don't care for the huge malls, but couldn't say no 😁.  Of course what I found was not on sale . . . but the mall will call the dealer with an offer.  I just wasn't wild about the dough box I was using as a sofa table and was looking for a dry sink.  Well . . . this was the perfect size and a really great price (and it is perfectly imperfect) . . . and it fit in the back of my little SUV.  Now I just need to try to sell the dough box.  For years it sat in my basement and I really hate to put it down there again.  It is currently just sitting in the middle of the living room.  So hard to get a picture of the dry sink because it is only a few feet from the window.  I guess it is past time to put the tulips away for the year.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. dang, you don't have 'dough box' as one of your labels so couldn't find a previous photo. I have a dough box on the side of a chair and it is fine at that space. And, I have a wonderful dry sink which I love in another room which is much bigger. Happy antique buyer you are I'm sure.

  2. Happy Canada Day!
    I have a dry sink that David made for me in one of the first few years we were married.
    Looks like your side kick was having a good time.

  3. Awww....Sweet Ernestine. So spoiled. I can just imagine her being stubborn LOL. Great find on the dry sink. It's beautiful! And I assume the dealer accepted your offer LOL. I have a dry sink that fits perfectly where I have it and it has chippy old mustard paint and a zinc interior (that is heavier than heck) but, lately (i.e., past couple of years already), I've been thinking it's just a bit too chippy and rough for me. Haven't gone anywhere in years to find a replacement though...and don't even want to think about trying to move that thing. It is HEAVY. I've always wanted a dough box but that is one thing I don't have (believe it or not LOL). ~Robin~

  4. Oh your Ernestine looks so cute in the stroller !!!
    Love ,Love the dry sink !!! it is gorgeous !!!
    Your dough box must be a Beauty too !!!

  5. Ernestine looks so pampered in that stroller. No wonder she draws attention. I'm glad for you that you found a dry sink that suits your needs and I hope that you can sell the dough box. Someone is probably looking for a dough box. The tulips look like fresh flowers. lol...
    Happy 4th of July. Take care, hugs.

  6. She is so cute in that stroller, fun way for her to get out with you. Love your finds, I do need to find some garden junk myself, love older items. That dry sink is a nice find, it is hard to find nice pieces that are within reason, around here.


  7. Aww Ernestine is so cute in her ride. That s a perfect pine drysink. Kudos to you for snagging it. Your gnome is adorable too! We were going to go down to Seville in a few weeks, but our doggy sitter cannot watch Tundra now, so we are staying home. Ugh Oh well, another time. Happy 4th! Janice

  8. Gorgeous dry sink! Love it! Love it! Happy 4th!!!!


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