Thursday, June 20, 2024

You Learn Something New Every Day ~

Did you know there is a difference between a "nun" and a "sister"?  Until yesterday, I did not.  According to Bing, the difference between a sister and a nun is mainly the type of vows they take and the lifestyle they lead.  A nun takes solemn vows, which are lifelong and unbreakable and lives in a monastery or convent, where she devotes herself to prayer and work.  A sister takes simple vows, which are renewable and can be dispensed, and often works outside the convent in various ministries, such as education, health care, or social service.

In the past I have shared visits with the Sister I had in both the 2nd and 8th grade.  Yesterday, 12 of us went and visited her once again.  She was so delighted to see us.  Sister Marian Coughlin of the Sisters of Notre Dame (back in the day she was known as Sr. Mary St. Patrick . . . and at some point in the past they had the opportunity to change their name and she took her maiden name) is still sharp as a tack going on 96. 

Also in the group was Sister Valerie, one of our classmates who began her journey to a life with God after the 8th grade and has been a Sister for many decades.  Having grown up in the era when Sisters were covered head to toe and the only thing visible was their face, it seemed so strange to see Sister Valerie in capri pants and sandals 😇

Here's hoping next year we can celebrate Sister Marian's 97th birthday!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. I never knew the difference between a Nun and a Sister ....hope Your special Nun makes another trip around the Sun nice you and your friends meet her , a special day sharing stories .

  2. Lovely story about the visit to sister Marian (96) and sister Valerie! (who has surprised you by being dressed in pants)!

  3. Awwww...Happy Birthday Wishes to dear Sister Marian. She looks like a genuinely beautiful person and smiles from the inside. How very considerate of you and your classmates to visit her for her special day. But wow...hasn't really been a year already? It seems not that long ago that we mailed cards off to her for her 95th. And, nope, did not know that about the difference between a nun and a sister. Then again, I'm not catholic so I am excused, right? ;-) ~et~

  4. Had no clue as the difference between Nun and Sister. I just thought that the Nuns called each other "Sister".
    Am sure both enjoyed the company of the 'youngn's".

  5. Such lovely connections! I'm a cradle Catholic and at one time thought of being a nun. Can sisters (not nuns) be married and have children?

  6. I did not know there was a difference. How nice you all got to catch up with her on her birthday.

  7. Yes you can learn something new every day. I did not know this about nuns and sisters. Great read. Happy belated birthday to sister. May she live another year. Janice

  8. Did not know that. I don't remember who we mailed cards to, but it's probably one of them! Sharp as a tack at 70 impresses me, God blessed her! How wonderful to enjoy life at that age.

  9. Hi Lauren, I'm trying to get caught up with visiting blogs. I didn't know that there was a difference between nuns and sisters as we always call the nuns, Sister so and so. I was raised a cradle Catholic too. I remember that you visited Sister Maram last year too. She must have made a big impact on her students, for all of you to go visit her in her old age. You are a special caring person.

    Happy Belated Birthday to Sister Mariam.
    Hugs, Julia


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