Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Snippets ~

Yesterday I vended at a small hook in.  Hooker Susanne hosts it annually, generally about 35 of mostly the same people every year.  Always a top notch affair.  I came home with a couple yards of wool (surprised😁?) and a bit of cash in my pocket so it was a good day.  No pictures to share.

Many of you hookers will be familiar with Ali Strebel.  I have a 3 day class with her this week.  She is a lot of fun, but our hooking styles are worlds apart.  She hooks with lots of alternative items and incorporates quillies, couching, needle felting, etc. in her pieces.  I am a just a wool hooker who pulls loops.  It will definitely be a learning experience for me.  I purchased this small 12" x 15" pattern from her a few months ago.

I have been binding Askew and am probably more than 50% done.  I will be happy when that is finally finished.

I am also back to hooking my camp rug.  I have been outlining all the motifs with my background wool.  For now I am going to leave that bright blue in, but will try coffee staining it later and if that doesn't help, will reverse hook it.  Even though I took the rug outside to try to get a decent color representation, it just isn't right 😡

Enjoy your Sunday.  A gorgeous day here on Ohio's north coast.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. What color will your background be? Wasn't sure if it was going to be black doing the outline for the motifs to stand out from another background color.
    Am sure you will be bringing home some of her delicious wool yarn for whipping! I know I would.

  2. Rain and 50's here. Sounds like you did ok with $$ in your pocket and wool it was a good day.

  3. Great to come home with money after vending at the hook in ! That's not easy to do !
    Love your pattern you will hook ....will Ali Stribel encourage you to incorporate more techniques ? Will be interesting to see what she does . Have fun !

  4. Bringing a couple yards of wool home and some money from your vending in your pocket is a successful venture at a hook-in. You are progressing well on binding Askew.

    I'm more of a traditional wool loop puller but I'm sure that you'll enjoy Ali's class. Now, I'm anxious to see how you hook that cute pattern.

    Enjoy the new week.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. That is rather a bright blue. They have this primitive coffee spray if you have not heard about it. It was a crisp cool Autumn like day here today. Put my warm jammies on tonight. Janice

  6. Sounds like a good day of work (as if it were only 1 day of work LOL). A camp with Ali sounds great to me...sometimes getting pushed outside of our comfort zone is just what we need. We'll all be curious to see what you make of it but I'm sure it will be impressively Lauren. Camp rug is looking great.... If that blue is still worrisome when you're done and your coffee/tea staining doesn't cut it, try some walnut dye with a dry brush. I rather like the pop of it as it is. Heat is on here. ~Robin~


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