Thursday, June 13, 2024

Outside My Comfort Zone ~ Day 3

I must say, I almost didn't sign up for Ali Strebel's class because our hooking styles are worlds apart.  I must admit, though, I am most happy I did and thoroughly enjoyed the class.  Ali is an excellent teacher and I would recommend her to any style of hooker.

Here are the projects from class in no particular order.  Somehow I missed one hooker's piece.  So sorry, Sharon 😥  If you enlarge the pictures, you can see the variety of methods and fibers.

close up of details from above pic

The only thing I added to my little piece today are the 3 leaves, called standing wool.  For you hookers out there, standing wool is making round quillies and manipulating them in to other shapes.  Three leaves to go then on to the background.  I must say I am very pleased with it.  Thank you, Ali!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. That Eagle rug I have an antique photo somewhere on one of my flash drives and think I'd even thought of hooking it at one time. Yours, however, is still my favorite!!!!! Good choice on pattern and using here techniques!!!!

  2. I absolutely love it!! Anxious to see more, quillies and stuff.

  3. GAH!! I'm in love with this! Yours is my hands down favorite but I do also love everything about that heart (the one above the flamingo pic). I love, love, love, quilling but have never done it. How I'd love to do a class with Ali! ~Robin~

  4. I Love your project , it is beautiful ...You have inspired to try some of these techniques ....just looks fun ! Would Love to do a class with her too !

  5. I probably would never use quilling in my rug but never say never, right? I still think that you used the perfect pattern for this technique. I'm glad that you had fun.

    Take care, hugs.

  6. It's always good to have new options on how to do things. You never know when they might be handy. Of course, my issue would be remembering what those tricks were when I need them. You've shown some very interesting techniques that were learned in the class. The 2nd photo is quite the sampler of ideas.
    Fantastic that you are happy you took the course now.

  7. They all look fantastic. I think I;ve finally figured out why I am so unproductive “I live outside my comfort zone.”

  8. I love how your rug is coming out, such a fun and unique class, to learn the different techniques. I enjoy seeing all the works from the others, so much inspiration.


  9. I like how yours is coming along. Not to sure about the others. Guess I am more of a prim lover even with rugs. Janice


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