Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Blooms ~

 Daylilies have begun to bloom. 

Yard work has gotten behind.  In the heat and humidity of the last week, very little has been done other than a little necessary watering.  Hopefully soon I will get back out there.  We got a little rain . . . very little . . . probably not enough to do any good 😢

Maureen and Nancy are no reply bloggers who commented on the last post.  I'm thanking you here since I can't personally thank you.  Nancy said she is somewhat new (thank you!) and wanted to know if I designed Askew.  It is a pattern from a Pat Cross book with additional circles added to get the size I wanted.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. I have a couple different colored variations of daylilies like your 1st and 3rd and another but can't recall which color. But also have loads of tiger lilies.
    Just had the expected announcement from my iPad that a 'severe thunderstorm warning is underway for this area". Not sure how much rain will arrive but despite all my griping about the lake, it is really needed here for the farmers.

  2. Daylilies one of my favorites. We desperately need rain and a break from the high temps

  3. My day lilies are blooming too. I got out in the gardens this week and got back to mostly weeded.

  4. I love your daylilies. Mine are budding but my Stella D'Oro Daylilies are in full bloom. We live close to the St John River and it's a bit cooler.
    I hope that you stay safe from nasty weather.

    I've been clipping the back Ceder hedge so no branches come in contact with the electric fence. I have a truckload of branches to dispose of.
    HUgs, Julia

  5. Your daylilies are so pretty....and you have quite the variety! I only have 2 kinds of daylilies ...and had 3 or 4 kinds of Asiatic lilies...but the latter filled the tummies of the rabbits of Nod. Some of the daylilies were consumed too, but there are a few about to bloom. My gardens and plantings are pretty pathetic this year. Oh how I wish I could pass on the rains we've had. Monday night we got hit with a horrible (and unexpected) derecho storm...and a tornado touched down at the lake. Afraid of what I will find - or won't - when I finally get up there. We are in the low (and I mean in barely) 70's the next few days and then only in the 60's for the weekend...and rain every couple of days. My lawn is "marshy" in spots and the sub pump continually runs. ~Robin~

  6. Your Day Lilies look so pretty , Love the pink one with the dark center ! My Day Lilies are blooming like crazy now too . We got about 4" of rain last night ! We have had some really strong downpours the past few days ...everything has been beaten to the ground. My hydrangeas have never had so many flowers this year . Will be nice refreshing air for us tomorrow , we have had so much Heat & Humidity.
    Happy Hooking !

  7. Love your variations of daylily colors. My lemon yellow ones are blooming too. Janice


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