Monday, May 6, 2024


 My first sight in Charleston . . . 

I thoroughly enjoyed the carriage ride around the city with our guide Trey and our four legged guide, Ron.   

A few images from around town.

Too bad the wires are in the picture ;-(

Now I am going to climb on to my soapbox!!!  The Amish have the reputation of being a "kind and gentle" people, but if you would ever do an internet search, you will find they are notorious for horrible puppy mills and the mistreatment of their farm animals.  The draft horses used by the carriage company (the company we used - not sure about other companies) are bought at Amish auctions in both Ohio and Pennsylvania.  When they get to Charleston and begin to pull the carriages, there are strict rules that the stable owners must follow.  I'm sure the horses think they have won the draft horse lottery!  I hope you can enlarge and read this.

My computer is not playing nice today.  This post has taken far too long, so I will finish up our Charleston adventures in the next one.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. I love hearing the clomp, clomp of horses' hooves while at Cape May while the carriage tour rounds the hotel. Am sure once in a while the riders in the carriage gets a whiff of the unpleasant part at the end of the worker tho. That smell is worse than a Rottweiler fart, lol. Glad the horses are treated well there and glad you had fun.

  2. I agree about some Amish farms. One greenhouse we visited two years had a horse tied in a stall that never stopped screaming and ramming the entire time. Very upsetting and we were there for some time, others were commenting also. I don't know what the problem was but he was ignored.

  3. I have little to no experience with them we don't have them here.
    But any group that is awful to animals will be horrid to people and cannot be trusted.
    PS glad you had a great time. For some reason I have read so many books set in that area I feel I know it.

  4. Two comments about Amish and animals; three days ago I saw a year old border collie who was a rescue from an Amish puppy mill. The dog had malformed back legs and could only do a little hop instead of walking. I also bought a horse who had just been trimmed by an amish farrier. He trimmed her so badly she could hardly walk. We had to rehab her for over a month. Imagine all the other horses this guy does that don't get the luxury of a kind and patient owner. enough said.

  5. Charleston looks to be every bit as beautiful as I've heard and thought it to be. I'd like to visit some day. Love that painting of the horse in the window!! So very sad about the animal treatment. I've heard things to that effect before and it makes me so sad. ~Robin~

  6. Looks like you are having great weather and enjoying the sites ! That is sad about the horses ....

  7. I have heard about the Amish puppy mills but I thought they took care of their horses. Sad to think otherwise. Charleston am sure has much history to it although I have never been there, but glad you can tell us about it. Janice


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