Sunday, April 7, 2024

Total Solar Eclipse ~ April 8, 2024


Northern Ohio has gone eclipse crazy.  I did not realize that is was such an historic event.  According to, the last total solar eclipse to traverse Ohio skies was more than 200 years ago in 1806, and the state won't see another until 2444.

Here is the path of the eclipse.

This is how it will travel thru the northern half of Ohio.  Lorain County, where I reside, is in the centerline totality area.  You can see us just west of Cleveland.

I've circled Lorain where I live.  The absolute center line is only a couple miles from me.

Our county alone is expecting anywhere from a half to a million and a half people.  We have been warned to gas up our cars and have food and water on hand due to the influx of people.  All hotels have been booked for many months and there are no porta-potties to be had 😁.  Now we just need to hope and pray for favorable weather.  The forecast keeps changing from cloudy to partly sunny.  At the moment the weatherguessers are saying partly sunny.  I hope the weather gods will be smiling down on us tomorrow.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. I'm so excited. I don't live in the center line, but in the total eclipse line. Did I tell you I'm excited? So far it looks like sunny skies and high 60s.

  2. I'm excited for you! How cool to be in the center path and have a good chance of good viewing weather. (Fingers crossed in that department for you.). I should have planned a visit I guess. ;-). We are (obviously) much farther north and even the southern part of our state is only in the 80% path category...and, of course, we are to be overcast and rainy. Guess it would be worse if we were hyped up to be in the path of total eclipse and then be disappointed with bad weather. I hope you get some photos to share with us! Grrr on that many people descending though. Yikes. ~Robin~

  3. It will be a cool event. I know that there's a big hype about this rare event. We live in the path of the total eclipse but I'm not even remotely excited about the whole thing. I'll probably watch it on TV when the news comes on. I plan to just go about my day as I usually do. When it will be in total darkness, I'll switch on the lights. God is in charge, and there is nothing I can do but be in awe of the whole thing. I'm not even aware of what time it will happen here.

    I hope that people will realize that God is in charge of his creation and that they come to their senses.

    Take care, hugs.

  4. We aren't in the direct path , but should get a little dark....the Traffic heading to Vermont is amazing ! Hope the weather holds out for this big event ....we never bought glasses , so will be inside ....Great for the economy though ! Hope you can enjoy it !!!

  5. Did you buy the special glasses to view the eclipse? I saw them at Walmart for about $1.78 but didn't bother to buy a pair. Tell us all about your American citizen invasion into Ohio, how the traffic situation is/was and how you enjoyed viewing the total eclipse.

  6. Hope the weather is good for you. Hopefully you bought your glasses to view. We are suppose to have rain tomorrow so not sure if we will be able to see anything as we are in the partial viewing area. Janice

  7. We should be getting a good percentage here, I did not get the glasses. Not till afternoon but all our schools closed. Stay home and enjoy the event!

  8. It seems a lot of people are traveling to see the full eclipse. The roads up north are jammed with traffic, not for me. I will be happy to see it here and I did get glasses for me and dropped some off for the kids. Love your Easter collection and the German eggs are so fun.


  9. I do hope you have clear skies during the eclipse! Even if we aren't big into eclipses, just being part of an historic event is something to tell about!
    We aren't in the path of the eclipse but the local papers have still warned everyone to expect heavy traffic on the highway for those coming and going west to view it.

  10. Lauren,it was awesome here near Columbus,Ohio. I hope you got a chance to experience it too. That said, now I am very grateful the hype is over!


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