Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Oh, Darn!!!

My first blog post with Askew was on March 6 and at that time I had 8 circles hooked.  I really hoped to be done by now, but progress has been very slow the last couple of weeks.  I am so tired of hooking it.  I have to force myself to pick up the hook.  It doesn't help that yard work season has begun, although my heart isn't in that either.  So far I have only used my worms, but I am running low on dark ones.  You know, blackish, dark gray and black.  I still have lots of browns, but since there are blacks in all the stripes already hooked, I need to continue to incorporate those.  Sadly, I now need to cut some strips.

Here is what is left of the "dark" worms . . . and most are not very dark.

Here is where she is today.

I am hoping to finish by Sunday, though I can't see that happening.  Monday we are leaving on a little get away to Myrtle Beach ~ never been there ~ and will drive down to Charleston for a day ~ been there for just a few hours.  I get home, am home for a week and then head to rug camp.  It will be crazy busy getting ready for camp, getting camp store consignment items organized and being ready to vend at a hook in the day after I get home from camp.  Just thinking about all that is making me tired.  Oh, and of course there will also be plenty of yard work to do since that yard guy never shows up 😁

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. Wow I am impressed at your upcoming schedule. Sorry you are over this rug it is awful to hook a rug you are done with.
    I have a hook in this Sat and not sure what I am going to take as I am almost done my rug camp rug.
    Have a wonderful time!

  2. While I am overwhelmed with the thought of your schedule (Girl, is retirement supposed to be this hectic??), I am impressed with your progress on Askew. Not even 2 months and you're almost done with what is a ginormous rug to me??? I feel woefully inadequate on all accounts - busyness, accomplishments, adventures, you name it. I'd do the "L" thing with my fingers on my forehead except I mess that up too. Seriously. I'll never forget how hard my son laughed the first time he saw me do it. :-( ~Robin~

  3. Askew is looking great and particularly LOVE that wobbly primitive border!!!!!!
    BTW, I'm exhausted reading your schedule too.

  4. That rug is looking great. It has a feeling of quietness and peace and the colors are easy on the eyes. You're always so busy in every direction. I'm trimming down my activities and lately, I only do what is necessary, otherwise, I'd get overwhelmed.
    I haven't even started any seedlings yet. By now I usually have lots of plants started.

    Have a fun week.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. Enjoy your beach time, Charleston is a beautiful city

  6. Love your rug ! It is Beautiful ! Hope you don't have to dye wool to finish the dark areas ...
    Going away will be fun , but you have to do a lot once you get home . never enough hours in a day or enough energy either !!! You will get it all done !!!

  7. Still love that rug! You will love Myrtle Beach. No I haven't been there but everyone I know has been. Have a nice trip!


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