Sunday, August 20, 2017

Year of the Man

Eclipse viewing ~ 1923

Welcome friends.  There is so much hype about the eclipse.  My son and grandson even drove to Tennessee to get a good view.  Here in northern Ohio we are expecting to see about 80%.  Let's hope everyone heeds the warnings and will view it safely.
Rug week 2017 at Sauder Village was declared the "Year of the Man".  I know there are some famous male hookers (gigolo?).  A guild I belong to has 1 male member.  I was just surprised at how many men were showcased.  I hope I didn't miss any of them.  Hopefully you can enlarge the pictures to see who the men are.

 Enjoy the show :) 


More to share in my next post.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow. Different subject matter in most than what I'm used to seeing from your show posts.

  2. Incredible artists!! Details! Some were most unusual.

  3. Wonderful!! I do love seeing men hook rugs. I love how they are bolder and just different. I like it very much. What an interesting name for this year. Lovely rugs. I am so glad you took the time to put the men's pictures with their rugs.

  4. So very wonderful that men can hook too! Janice

  5. I agree, men are bolder and maybe they just have more time to hook than women. Some of the rugs are simply masterpieces.
    Thanks so much for the show.
    Hugs, Julia

  6. These rugs are great, not because they are done by men, but for the bright colors and subject matter on most of them. When I think of hand-hooked rugs, based on most blogs I read, I think of toned-down colors and primitive designs. In this case, it's nice to have my notions given a little tweak.

  7. It was a very good show indeed. My friends and I were fortunate to be able to attend on Wednesday :)

  8. Amazing ! Had to be so much fun seeing them in person ..... very artistic

  9. Have to ask driving me crazy. WHAT is the picture on the black with red lines picture under Eric Sandburgs picture, just can't figure it out...please post answer

  10. Those are beautiful rugs and I love the one with the horse in the middle and the border motifs.


  11. Beautiful work Thankyou for the pictures

  12. Amazing!! Who ever knew there were so many talented men hookers. Their styles are really quite different from us girls, I think.

  13. What a wonderful display of rugs! So cool! Men hookers too -- very nice! I love that your DSO adopted sweet Ernestine! Too funny on the name. I definitely remember her and knew why the name. We only had 70% totality here with the eclipse, but it was super cool to watch it! I probably wouldn't have been as into it if it weren't for my son, who was very enthusiastic about it and set things up for us to view.

  14. I had no idea there were so many men hookers. Photos are gorgeous as always - thanks for covering Sauder so well as always. That little puggie so so adorable - glad she has a wonderful home with your DSO. Have a great week - Mel


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