Sunday, July 23, 2017

Tipp City Hook In ~

Maggie Bonanomi taught a class Thursday and Friday.  You had your choice of hooking the project

or doing it in applique. 

Both choices were wonderful.  I am so sorry I did not sign up for the class.
Saturday, Melinda and I attended the hook in, hosted by Ali Strebel along with Maggie. 
It's so ironic.  I can go to an event here at home and not know a single person.  I go to a hook in 200 miles from home, and know 8 or 10 people.  I believe a fun time was had by all.
Pictures from the throw down.  I can't believe I missed taking a picture of one of my favorite rugs.  I hope you enjoy the show. 
First some of the hooked pieces.
I think this is my favorite Maggie pattern.

So many examples of Maggie's applique patterns were displayed, done by many talented hands.

This pattern came home with me, along with some of Ali's chunky wool yarn that is the best for whipping an edge and a couple pieces of her hand dyed linen to use as the base for applique projects (in my dreams . . . lol).
I spotted these wonderful rusty pots in front of the salvage store just down the street from the hook in.  The middle one in the back row came home with me and the one to the right went home with Melinda.  I think the two of us could get in lots of trouble together :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. As always it is wonderful to see all the rugs as I never get to a hook-in anywhere Lauren! Thank you so much for taking the pics and sharing! I love that rusty pot! So much character in those old pieces! I have to go back now and look some more at those rugs!!! Hugs!! Cathy G

  2. Beautiful rugs and wool applique. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Those rusty pots are quite the find. A nice souvenir of your time away !

  3. lucky you! Not a bad rug in the lot. This retirement thing is really working for you I just can't wait.

  4. Good morning!! Every rug and project is more beautiful than the last...

    I think you forgot the part about how you were just walking down the street, minding your own business, and that silly pot just jumped into your car. You felt so sorry for it, you rushed into the store to save it! LOL You can use this story for almost anything...linen, thread, wool, yarn...really, you can. I'm speaking from experience! LOL

  5. What fun!!! What great rugs! I bet you had fun. Isn't that the way it is, you won't know any one at home and you go places and see people you know right off the bat. I love the pattern that came home with you.
    I am so glad you had a nice time. Have a lovely week.

  6. I love Maggie B's designs. Your favorite one with the urn is in a booklet I have by her and have been considering hooking it myself. Too many rugs I want to hook and not enough time. Guess you are going to use that pot in your garden?

  7. Wonderful post, Lauren! Love seeing all the projects and that rusty pot is the bomb! Lucky you!! Lori

  8. I'm sure you had a great time with Melinda. Loved seeing the rugs in the throw down - WOW that peacock was so cool! any idea if that was a "Maggie" design? I've never seen it before. Also loved seeing your photos from the trip - awesome! Mel

  9. I would love to take a class like that someday & meet these talented ladies ..... all your pictures look wonderful !!!! And that cool pot is great !!!

  10. Wow! LOve all of those Maggie B rugs!! My Holly hooking pals, have done just about everyone of her wool applique patterns, including the big ones and they are gorgeous!!

  11. Oh my so many wonderful projects. I like the first two rugs and the holly appliqued wool projects the best! So glad you had fun with Melinda too! Janice

  12. That bird (peacock?) is fabulous. Love the little projects I spotted and those pots - fabulous!

  13. Love seeing all the wool projects, both hooked and appliqués.

  14. If I ever came home with a rusty pot, my husband would probably call the guys in white coats to come and get me, hehe. I'm more of a shiny pots kind of gal but I can see the attraction to old rusty things.

    The rugs are beautiful I can see that you are profiting from retirement too.
    Hugs, Julia

  15. Thanks for all the eye candy! I just love Maggie's designs. All the rugs and wool quilts are gorgeous! Glad you had a good time.

  16. Wonderful post, Lauren! Love seeing all the projects and that rusty pot is the bomb! Lucky you!! Lori


  17. Can anyone tell me if the size on the hooked rug with the cabins and urn of flowers ? I have the applique pattern but would love to hook it instead . Thanks


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