Wednesday, July 5, 2017

I'm Leavin' on a Jet Plane ~

I always loved that song.  What about you?

I have managed to pull a few ~ VERY FEW ~ loops the last few days.  I was hoping to finish this before leaving on vacation, but it is not going to happen.    I was just kind of stuck and not sure how to do the corners.  I think this will be okay.  I redrew them a bit since the pattern was a little wonkier than I liked.  The petals or whatever you want to call them are a faded red, not pink as they appear.


I should be packing, not hooking or blogging.  We are leaving for LA tomorrow.  Thankfully we don't have to head to the airport until mid-afternoon.  I am the great procrastinator when it comes to packing. 
I'm hoping this is the last time I visit my son in LA.  If things work out as planned, he will be moving back to Las Vegas in a few months.  He is so not the California guy and really wants to leave the insanity of LA.  A twenty mile commute from his job site can sometimes take him well over two hours.  I don't know how he or others can spend so much time commuting.  So much of your life is lost. 

I'm sure I will fall behind in my blog reading, though I hope to post once or twice, but you know that my iPad and I don't play well together.  I haven't tried to blog on it since last fall . . . sigh.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Have a wonderful trip! My youngest son will be doing a semester in LA in a year or two. I'm wondering how he will like it... I hope to visit him and French General when the time comes ;) Have you been to French General?
    Blessings, Patti

  2. Hi Lauren,
    I like that song, too!! Now I have it in my head!! lol
    Love your rug and the colors look perfect together!! Hope you have a wonderful time in LA!! Happy your son is considering moving!
    Take care and enjoy your vacation!
    Heart Hugs~

  3. Of course I remember that song and think it and sing it to myself whenever I'm going to rug camp......"my bags are packed and I'm ready to go....." Enjoy and take lots of pictures.

  4. Hope you have a great trip. Your rug looks wonderful! Many years ago, there was a little club in Georgetown/D.C. called The Cellar Door. I was there with friends when an unknown singer by the name of John Denver sang a song he had written for the first time...Leaving on a Jet Plane. He was a part of a group called The Chad Mitchell Trio. Our table was right next to the stage and I was eye level and inches away from his feet all night. If you Google The Cellar Door you can see all the famous people who started their careers there. sssh...I was in high school and was under age...but so was half the audience. I was so sad when he died.
    Travel safe,

  5. Have a safe and wonderful trip!

  6. safe travels to you lauren, enjoy the break from your routine!

  7. Have a safe and fun vacation my sweet friend. I'm ready for bed so good night.
    Hugs, Julia

  8. Hope you have a safe and fun vacation...

  9. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. I could not live out there either, way too crazy for me.


  10. Have a wonderful time lauren I think the commute thing would drive me mad! we see it when we go into Boston.

  11. Yep, love that song, but hate the actual process of packing and leaving home. I am okay once I get away from the house....sort of. Like your rug. You've really had a lot of them in the works. Enjoy your son. Can't see that LV would be a whole lot better than LA aside from the commute.

  12. Love your rug! Safe travels. Hope your son really does move back to LV. I never understand how people in southern CA can bear the traffic. It's nuts!

  13. Hope you have a great time in California. Safe travels and be sure to share pics if you can. Janice

  14. Safe travels! And, I hope it works out that your son can move. That commute time can be spent doing stuff that's so much more interesting.

  15. I'm glad your son is getting out of LA - I could never live in a place like that. Traffic here is bad enough and I have altered my office hours so I can minimize my time in the car - like you said such a waste of time. I saw your phone blog post - but I wanted to comment on this one. Love your rug - hope you are enjoying the PCH and all the sites - Mel


  16. Very nice post.really I apperciate your blog.Thanks for sharing.keep sharing more blogs.


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