Tuesday, July 18, 2017

California ~

Apple and I don't play together well.  I was able to blog from my iPhone ~ just once.  The next time I tried, I could not find any pictures to download.  I tried the iPad a couple days later.  Got a blog post all done complete with pictures.  It would not let me save and post it.  I tried for three days.  ARGH!!!  If you post from your iPhone or iPad, what app do you use?  Do you have any suggestions for me or am I a lost cause?
Anywho . . . we are home.  Landed in Cleveland about 6:45 am yesterday.  I don't think I've ever taken the redeye before and I'm not a real fan.  We flew Spirit.  Bare bones but you can't beat the price.  The seats (I think they forgot to add the padding) don't even recline and needless to say, I got very little sleep.  It was good to get away but it is great to be home :)  We were busy every day and I need a vacation to recover from my vacation.
While in the LA area, we got to visit the job site where my son is working.  It is the same house he was working on when we were there last fall, a $30 million property that has been taken to the studs. 
Son Bill and DSO at the front entrance.
 Great room fireplace, I believe 16th century, which he is helping to restore.

Here Bill is pointing to a piece of wood he replaced.

In the distance, a famous TV doctor's house.  (Hint ~ Dr. P***)

On the Strand, Hermosa Beach.  Beachfront homes.

This cool trash can is in front of an ice cream shop in Hermosa Beach.
Can you believe they had to put this on the bottom?  I thought it was for people walking dogs, but Bill said it was meant for the drunks, especially the 4th of July weekend (like they would read that?).  So disgusting.
We went whale watching on the Pacific.  Bill told us whale season was over, but we decided a boat ride would be nice.  We had a mariachi band playing on the lower deck the entire time.  

 A HUGE container ship arriving in Long Beach, a major shipping port.  It's unreal how big those ships are.  They look so top heavy. 

Those dark specks are not birds but porpoise jumping out of the water.  Though we didn't see any whales, we did see hundreds of porpoise and some sea lions.

Son Bill (aka #1 bad boy).

 We took a walk on the Manhattan Beach pier.  This view is looking toward the city . . .

. . . and looking out towards the ocean.
Thanks so much for stopping by.  Lots more to share.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Great trip...When we moved to CA in 1955, we lived in Manhattan Beach, 3 houses up from the strand. I was very homesick and wanted to go back to N.J.. It never happened. All 4 of my children are 'Native Californians'. Too late to go back home now.
    You got some wonderful pictures.
    For me the best part of a vaca is returning home. Yes, it is true "There is no place like home".
    Glad you are back safe and sound... Enjoy your rest,

  2. Glad you had a great time, glad you are home and agree it is frustrating as hell to not be able to post from your Apple device. Alice told me about BlogPress so downloaded the app a couple years ago. All of a sudden it wouldn't work any longer and don't know why. So if you learn of a new app that works, let me know.

  3. Glad you made it home safe and sound.....that red eye sounds miserable! But it is a bit cheaper...so what's a little inconvenience! Enjoy looking at the pictures!

  4. I see you are home, just sent you email. I have never tried to blog from my iPhone, maybe you can show me:) I was thinking, maybe your son would let me adopt him for a month??? LOL. Can't wait to see you. Your photos are wonderful, as always.

  5. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I've never been to LA. I blog entirely from my phone using an inexpensive app called Blog Touch Pro. I take all of my pics with my phone and edit them with the program in photos. It took a little fiddling to get accustomed to Blog Touch Pro, but it really isn't hard. You can insert links and photos easily. You are supposed to be able to add videos, but I haven't figured that one out yet. You can't add things to your template....you can just blog.

  6. Love your pics. The water looks so relaxing.
    No red eye for me !

  7. Safe and sound! Looks like you had a nice time.

  8. Glad you are home safe. Pics are wonderful! Dont care about the red eye either. Janice

  9. So glad you're back Lauren and thanks for sharing those lovely pictures. Your bad boy #1 is a handsome dude.

    I wish I could help you with your problem but I've been having problems of my own. All of a sudden Google would not let me access my email. It demanded that I get another account for my email so i did that reluctantly then it wants me to go Google + and I have to reinstall all my profile and choose all my settings but i have resisted being on Google + and now I'm not finished installing my google plus so it will not let me post and I have not been able to access anybody's email address.

    I'm surprise that you could leave a comment on my blog. I figured maybe I can comment on your blog so here I go.

    I cannot access my reading list to read people's blog since yesterday.
    I have demanded my old blog back the way it was but I doubt I'll get it back with my new email.

    Hugs, Julia

  10. Yea, I can't believe it worked.

  11. Looks like a wonderful time. I have no idea Dr
    who the Dr is?

  12. What a beautiful place to visit and seeing the porpoises jumping must have been amazing. I have macs but I only use my laptop to post, never the iPhone or iPad.


  13. Good morning and glad you made it home safe. I totally get the posting issue. I put together a post TWO years ago on my smart phone...it's still loading. LOL LOL LOL

    Love the pictures of the renovation. When my son was in the Bay area, we peeked into a lot of houses while we were on walks. LOL It was great to see the progress through the years.

    Have a great day!

  14. What a beautiful house your son is working on. Your pictures make it all look so pretty. In the summer, the ocean just goes crazy with all kinds of amazing sights. I am so glad you are home now. I was just thinking about you. It looks like such a fun trip.

  15. Hi Lauren,
    Happy you made it back safely and love all the photos of your trip!! So glad you had a nice time with your son!! I know what you mean about needing a vacation FROM Vacation!!
    Take care and hope you get some rest!!
    Heart Hugs~

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