Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Start, a Finish, an almost Finish and a New/Old Bear ~

I started this punch needle piece (pattern by the Old Tattered Flag) while on vacation.  I did not get much accomplished and am going to remove the background that I have done and replace it with a more tan floss.  The gold is too similar to the gold in the motifs.  Hopefully I will get more done while heading to Chicago this week.  We are taking my grandson Jake to visit his cousins.

I finished the binding on my little horse rug (pattern by Winter Cottage) using the wonderful, chunky wool yarn sold by Ali Strebel.  Now it just needs a final steaming and a label.

The most time consuming part of the binding on my camp rug is done.  It shouldn't take too long to tack it down.  I will be happy to finally have this rug done.  The color is ALL wrong.  In person the  background is much more black!
Our last day in California we stopped at an antique shop in Santa Rosa.  I adored this well loved guy, but was afraid I did not have room to bring him home.  I couldn't stop thinking of him after I got home, so I had him shipped :)  The velveteen bow will definitely go.

Jake did not want to go on the poker run with his dad's motorcycle club today, so we are hanging out and will soon head to The Emoji Movie.  Then maybe time for a swim.  (Him, not me.)  It is a beautiful Sunday on Ohio's north coast.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It's amazing how productive you can be while travelling. The punch rug looks like a great project for the road.

    I love the job you did on your camp rug. Your hoops are so even.

    What a great bear to add to your collection. I agree, the bow has to go. I wonder why it was not removed by the shop owner.
    Enjoy the movie with Jake.

    Hugs, Julia

  2. So you will remove the beautiful prancer's outline and fill? Forgive me, I don't hook, but wouldn't changing the few smaller motifs be easier? The camp piece you claim is all wrong is FABULOUS in the photo. Love the darks.

  3. Love your hooked rugs and think the switch to a more tan background is a good idea too. Also darling and well loved bear. No wonder you couldn't live without him.

  4. Hi Lauren, Your rugs are all wonderful and I especially do like the prancer rug.
    Beautiful work.
    have a great week...with Peace for all,

  5. Your needlepunch and your rugs are so nice. Your bear is really a keeper too. I am glad you got to have him at home. It sounds like a very nice day in Ohio.

  6. great bear love your rugs as always. Always busy

  7. Your rugs look soft and aged, love them. Are you enjoying the punch needle? Would like to try with a big punch and wool vs. threads some time.

  8. Lauren, you are such a busy, busy lady! Traveling here and there, movies, yard work, hooking, punching! Do,youmget up at 0'dark hundred and stay up really late to fit all this in over a 24 hour period?! LOL! Love your rugs and punch needle!


  9. Hi Lauren,
    Love your punched piece and your two rugs!! I know it is frustrating when the camera shows the wrong colors, but it still looks great!! You are one BUSY gal and hope you have a lovely time in Chicago!! The bear is darling and he is so lucky to find a new home with you!!!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Heart Hugs~

  10. Love your hooked rugs and think the switch to a more tan background is a good idea too.



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