Friday, June 23, 2017

Zip Line ~

Not far from me is a place called Common Ground that offers a zip line adventure.  Last year for DSO's birthday, one of his gifts was zip lining through the tree tops, but we never got around to it.  Grandson Jake found out and wanted to go and since I was taking him, had to ask my son J, too.   Wednesday was finally a day without rain in the forecast, so off we went.  There were nine of us in the group plus our guides Leslie and Adam.  We started off with a little ground school and passing that, we were off.  It was a first for us, though some others in the group had done it before.  It was a bit scary (for me) and exciting at the same time.  There were seven carefully and artistically engineered zip lines, each one longer than the last.  The last zip line was 800' long.  What a thrill.  Suspended bridges (scary!) and a floating staircase also took you from one platform to the next.  All the pictures were taken by the guides.  We weren't willing to risk losing a camera/cell phone, plus we were not supposed to remove our gloves.

The group ~

Our first "lean" at the edge of the platform.

I think the bridges were scarier than the zip lines!

At one time this was the only floating staircase in the US and it still is the only one in Ohio.  We all had to strike a pose before ascending. 

Jake smiling for the camera.  Too bad the sun was in his face.

Son J

DSO decided to scream like a girl instead of smiling :)

That was really cool leaning over the edge!!!

Hard to tell but DSO and son have bunny ears.  It's a family thing :)

At the very end, another first for us.  Rather than stairs to exit the last platform, we had to rappel down.

What a fun adventure.  DSO and I were the oldest of the group and Jake was the youngest, but we all had a great time.  Even J, who is afraid of heights, really enjoyed it.  We would all do it again in a heartbeat.
Thanks so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh, you are one cool Gramma! :). Those make for wonderful memories and chuckles for years to come!

  2. I'm sure Jake thinks you are his SUPERGrandMOM. Good for you, not sure I'd have had the uh....stomach for it.

  3. I am also afraid of heights but think this would be fun. I'd prefer a little seat though! But the bridge and stairs would be terrifying for me. It sure looks like everyone had fun and most importantly, came home safe!

  4. Way to go girl... Sometime you just have to put your hook down and play like you mean business. I'm so glad you all had fun and would like to do this again... again. Thanks for sharing this exciting adventure.
    Smile & hugs,

  5. Good for you, not so much for me. I am so afraid of heights. Glad you had a good time. Your grandson must think you are awesome! Janice

  6. Such a cool way to spend the day. I ziplined in Mexico with my brother because no one else in the family wanted to do it including his teenage kids and I'm terrified of heights. I got stuck on the long one and they had to spend out sand bags to knock me loose so embarrassing but we have memories...LOL of my fat butt stuck on the line dangling like a puppet and my brother laughing so hard he almost fell off the platform.

  7. NEVER ! Oh my goodness you are one brave lady (and family) !!!!
    But I must say it looks like fun ;)

  8. you are either very brave or have no fear, or both lauren, good for you! wow:)

  9. What a fun post. Awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Kat

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. OMG!!! What a wild ride! I commend you on your bravery. That will be a day to remember for you and your family. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  12. look at you having all this fun. I am afraid of heights so not sure how I would do. It all looks so fun! We have them here coming off the mountains.

  13. I'm afraid of heights, might be talked into the zip line, but the stairs and bridge NEVER, so I'd pass on that adventure. Glad you had fun.

  14. I'm afraid of heights too but it does look like fun! You're so grave!! Lori

  15. Hi Lauren,
    WOW!!!! I never knew there was a place like that in OHIO!!!! Good for you and your family and such an amazing time to make some incredible memories!!!
    I'm sure you received high marks from Jake!!!
    Looks like you all had a blast!!!
    I've been absent due to vacation and a bad case of the flu, but hope to be feeling better soon!!!
    Take care and so happy you had such a great time!!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Heart Hugs~

  16. I have wanted to do something like that for so long. I am glad you said that about your son being afraid of heights. I was wondering if anyone was. I think it looks like a blast of a trip! So glad you went. Great pictures!

  17. I've heard of these adventure places - how brave you were to participate in the fun! I'm not sure I could have done it!

  18. Well, aren't you something!! Looks like fun....sort of...LOL.


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