Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Time Management ~

I need a course in time management.  I seem to fritter away most of every day and not accomplish what I hope to.  A couple weeks ago I started making a list of what I need to take to Cedar Lakes rug camp.  I keep adding to the list but have not started gathering things up and I leave Sunday morning.  I ALWAYS overpack!!!  To complicate matters even more, I get home on Friday and Saturday I am vending at our guild hook in.  How did I manage when I had a day job?  Oh, that's right.  I didn't go to rug camp for a week :)
I needed something to hook on and was not ready to get back to my Proud Lion pattern I started in March.  I haven't pulled a loop on it since I got home from the class.  This is a pattern by Winter Cottage that I purchased at the hook in a couple weeks ago.  Not much progress, but at least it's something.

I also was trying to dye some dirty mustard wool.  Well, the first try is the little piece on top.  In person, it was very orange-y.  I then used a seal brown Cushing dye wash over it.  It is better, but still may be too orange.  Oh, well.  It will make great pumpkins :)

Here's another picture of the little mat I recently posted about.  I took the picture outside and was hoping the color would be better.  Maybe a little, but not much . . . sigh.

Soon off to the last 6th grade orchestra concert for the year.  I can't believe another school year is winding down.  It just tickles me to see grandson Jake playing the cello.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I need a course in time management too!
    Puttering around doing this and that and not really getting much accomplished...did put all my current work in progress rugs away...need a very simple scrappy one right now...looking forward to seeing which rug you're doing in camp...

  2. Lauren, you'd think that since WE are retired we'd have plenty of time to do things...NOT. I need a course in Time Management, Decluttering, and numerous other life tasks. Sigh....

    I like the color of that mustard yellow. Not sure if what I see is how it looks in person but like it!

  3. I think our lack of accomplishment during the day is called being "retired ". Have fun at camp and good luck vending.

  4. How wonderful Jake plays the cello. Lucky you getting away for a week enjoy every minute of it.

  5. Hi Lauren,
    I know it must seem like you don't get much done, but it seem like you are always busy going, making, or doing!! I LOVE the mustard color of your wool!! So pretty, at least on my computer screen!! It doesn't look orange to me at all, but then some people thought my penny rug was blue instead of black!! lol
    Love that Jake plays the cello!! Hope you enjoy your rug camp!!!!
    Heart Hugs~

  6. Aha! You've joined the retirement ranks of "I have no time but what did I do with it"! Enjoy your hooking party.

  7. Have a very nice evening. I like your mustard color wool. Your rugs are always so nice.
    Well, you are getting steps and that is awesome. I always overpack!!! Have a wonderful time watching Jake.

  8. Aren't we supposed to have more time for ourselves when we get older, lol. I realize I cannot do much during the day so I just work on things when he is resting and at night, things will get done eventually.


  9. Yes, the yellow looks good from here. Have fun at camp.

  10. Oh, that wool is one of my favorite colors! I love it with the deep blues, dark reds, forest greens...oh, I just like it with everything!

    What is "time management"? LOL LOL LOL As if...

    Have a wonderful time at camp!

  11. Time there's an oxymoron for you. Time marches on, managed or not. I have so many things going on I'm exhausted from making lists. In the end, it will either get not...or not. Have a little fun every day, and you are way ahead of the game! Have more than a little fun at camp!

  12. I have always wanted to go to Cedar Lakes rug cap. Please get back with me when you get home (or as soon as you get time after getting home) so I can pick your brain about it.

  13. How can you manage your time when you always have a hook in your hands?
    I hate that when the wool doesn't come out the shade I'm looking for but I've been known to addd more dye in the pot.

    Have fun at the hook in. I can understand your pride in your grandson, musical talent. Playing an instrument is such a character building thing.
    Hugs, Julia

  14. I need a time management course myself. I have so many projects going, I have no idea what to do next. Janice

  15. I have the same problem! Did you try a light walnut dye or tea dye over the orange?

  16. Sounds as if a lot of us retirees need to sign up for the Time Management course. I don't know where mine goes!! Love that you have a cello player. Have fun at Cedar Lakes. Nancy is such a nice person and I have heard great things about the camp.

  17. Time management did you say? ROTFL! You and me both! Anyway, love your WIP and your finish and everything. Good luck getting ready!

  18. I need a time manager in my Life! I love your rugs I just don't seem to have enough time in a day to do everything I want to do. Hugs


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