Friday, May 19, 2017

Quickie ~

Just a quick post to let you know that rug camp was wonderful.  Hooker heaven!!!  The week flew by.  Progress was made on my rug but of course not as much as I had hoped.  I am behind on everything.  I got home today and had lots of mail to sort through.  Newspapers need to be read (even if it's old news, I still need to read it.)  I've unpacked some of my stuff but still have more to do.  Lots of wool to sort ~ trying to remember what I need for my rug and getting the rest out of the way.  The hardest thing is that I am vending at a hook in tomorrow.  I had a few things to make since I sold things at the camp store.  Hopefully I have my act together and can start packing my goods up since I need to leave at 6:30 tomorrow morn.  If all goes as planned, Sunday will be my catch up day - emails and blogs, newspapers, cutting grass, etc.
Here is progress made on my horse rug.  Since I wasn't driving, I had time to hook to and from camp. 
I have lots to share about camp in my next posts.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like a fun camp and I hope you can get ready for tomorrow, quite the week for you.


  2. sounds like you had a good time.have fun at the hook in

  3. Busy, busy! Rug looks great so far. do you hook in the car? Do you use a hoop or a frame?

  4. My goodness, you have been a busy girl. No moss or wool will gather under your feet. You fill your days to the max.

    I'm sure you'll do well with your sales. That horse rug is looking real good.

    Hugs, Julia

  5. Welcome home. Rug is looking good. Have fun vending and catch us up when you are caught up.

  6. Hope your vending goes well and you get a day of rest squeezed in!

  7. Wow!! Remember to take a breath every once in a while! I had to laugh at "hooker heaven". When I am at a retreat, I always think of it as "stitcher heaven". And nope, you never get as much done as planned. Somehow talking and snacks just seem to get in the way. LOL

  8. Glad you had fun. Hope you find time to kick your feet up soon. This retirement stuff is hard work. Love the motion those circles give your background.

  9. Am looking forward to the rug camp news and photos. Looks like you accomplished a lot on your rug and nice results. Will need memory refreshed on the design of your rug from camp.

  10. Can't wait for you to get all caught up so we can hear all about it... Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. Love the colors you are using for your horse rug.
    Folk Art Hugs,

  11. What a busy gal you are !! This retirement thing is a perfect fit ;)
    Eager for your updates.

  12. Glad you had a good time! Your rug looks great!


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