Monday, April 17, 2017

Just {{can't}} Say No ~

Saturday, four of us drove from Ohio to Ann Arbor, MI for the annual hook in.  As usual, it was great.  The rug show was small, but loaded with talent.  Here are some of the hooked pieces displayed.  I used the same camera setting for all the pictures, but a few are so washed out.  I'm guessing it was the way the light was coming through the windows.

My favorite rug in the show.
Pattern by Janice Johnson.
No where close to the true colors!

Friend Bobbie's rug.
Another rug where the colors are washed out.
The previous picture shows truer colors.

I just can't say NO to wool.  All the wool I bought was on sale except for the bottom piece of teal.  I have more wool than I can hook in three lifetimes, but I never have the right color.  I'm sure you TOTALLY understand . . . lol :)

These are all Anne Bond wools.  Little pieces I could not resist for just a dollar each. 

Another pattern.  (Why?  Because it was on sale.)  I would not hook it in these bright colors. 

Today the day was spent at the indoor amusement park with grandson Jake and his friend.  I got to sit on my butt all day while they rode the rides, but it still wore me out . . . lol.  They had fun so that's all that matters :)
There's still a bit of time to enter my little give-away.  Leave a comment here.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow. Some unusual pieces. Took me a while to see The Kiss subjects. I can't blame you for the $1 bundles. So cute!

  2. When you can't say "NO"to wool, it's an addiction, lol. I can't blame you for buying all that wool. I really like that $1.00 ea. deal. Beautiful wool.

    You're a good gramma to take Jake and his friend to the indoor amusement park.I hope you had fun too and I'm sure they did.

    Take care and enjoy the day.
    Hugs, Julia

  3. What a fun hook in and what lovely rugs. I love seeing all of that amazing talent. It sounds like a nice day spent with Jake. I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday.

  4. Hi Lauren,
    So nice you could get away to see all those lovely rugs! I would not have been able to say NO to all that wool either!!
    So happy you could spend the day with Jake and his friend!! Such great memories for both of you!!!
    Hope you have a great day playing with all that new wool!!
    Heart Hugs~

  5. Always fun to see others hooked rugs & the colors they use. Any day spent with the grand kids is special !!!!

  6. You blog g always make me smile and often giggle. Wool and never the right color? Gee whiz, that sounds familiar. I often wonder if I had my SUV full to the roof if I would "have the right color". I do love your tool pockets. They are so unique. You are one extremely takaented lady.

  7. What fun...Sounds like a great time was had with family. Those rugs are so inspiring...just want to finish my one and only...soon.
    Peace and Folk Art Hugs,

  8. You are one busy gal!! Those wool colors are exactly what I would have chosen. Nice rug show. I think that my favorite was the deer.....lovely, effective monochromatic colors.


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