Sunday, January 29, 2017

Done ~

The hearts are done though I am considering hooking a couple more.  If you are wondering how I finish them, I posted a little tutorial last year.  Click here to view.
I finally pulled a few loops on my rug.  I'm getting close to finishing and need to decide what to hook when I go to the Sauder Village retreat on Thursday.  I always agonize on what to take and of course wait until the last minute to decide.
Not much else going on.  I think winter has arrived in northern Ohio.  A bit of snow this morning and a chance for more all day.  Our winter has been very mild so far.  No complaints from me about that!  I'm still cleaning the basement.  I'm getting to the stuff I have no idea where to store but just can't part with it.  My curse . . . lol!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I really love that rug. The colors are gorgeous. I'm sure you will pick something equally fabulous to take with you. We have had a great January with only one snow fall so far. Fingers crossed all heck doesn't break loose in February. Lol

  2. I'm getting close to the end on my rug too and am anxiously looking forward to the next two lined up. The interference will be the binding...YUCK!

  3. Love your hearts, you are coming right along on your rug, it is gorgeous!! hugs, Lecia

  4. I love your hooked hearts, Lauren...mine is always sitting on my chair. I don't know if I love the hooked side or the crazy quilt side best....they are both beautiful!! I'm designing two pillows for my couch to bring to Sauder to hook. Something small...but I want two of them. See you in a few days!! Can't wait!!

  5. It looks like you have got a lot done and beautiful pieces made and coming along.


  6. Hi Lauren,
    Such sweet hearts!! Love the back of them, too!
    Your rug is so close to being done and looks wonderful!! Hope you figure out what to take to Sauder and I know you will have so much FUN!!! Lucky you!!!!
    Enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  7. I love your hooked hearts and your rug is looking great.
    I know all too well about the abundance of junk I can't part with and it's my curse too. The closet in my hooking room is beginning to frighten me. Whe a mess it becomes and never enough spare time to tackle projects I had in mind to do for so long.

    Retirement would be nice I think.

    I hope you don't get too much snow.
    Stay safe and warm

  8. Its always so nice to see your work. Your rug is so cute. Aw well that is the hardest part, getting rid of things and trying to decide. I hope you have a lovely week.

  9. Your rug is coming along great. Enjoy Sauder.

  10. Love that rug! Hope you can find the perfect project to take to Sauder.

  11. I think, for me, you need to post a tutorial on just hooking's been so long.... But, I had a wide cut heart thingy started at one point...I wonder where I stashed that? Have fun at Sauder... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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