Thursday, November 10, 2016

Veterans Day ~

Please don't forget to thank a Veteran for their service to this great country of ours. 
Remember ~
If you can read this, thank a teacher. 
If you are reading this in English, thank a veteran.

From Our Hands is finally here.  It is a show not to be missed.  I am honored (along with friends Melissa and Bobbie) to be asked once again to participate.  If you get the opportunity to attend, you will not be disappointed.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh have fun sell lots and besure to say hi to Stacy wish I was going

  2. I hope you have a great time at the show.

  3. Wishing you great sales and lots of fun Lauren.

    I received your card in the mail. Many thanks my sweet friend. As things slowly returns back to normal I'll be visiting again from time to time.

    We also celebrate our veterans today. Heartfelt thanks to all those brave soldier that gave of their time, effort and even life so that we have peace and freedom.

  4. Hi Lauren,
    We truly have so much to be grateful for! Thanks so much for sharing!!!
    Hope you and the gals have wonderful sales and a great show!! Sure wish I could go!!!
    Heart Hugs~

  5. Hi Lauren, wishing you all a great show. Wish I could be there too. Yes NEVER FORGET our veterans. Hubs was in but never had to go the the war zone. His brother was the one who actually fought in Korea.
    God Bless them ALL. Will be looking forward to hear and see your adventures at this fabulous "Antique and Folk Art Show". Sounds like great fun.

    Enjoy the day with Peace for all,

  6. I do love your vintage greetings....and especially today's sentiment. Lucky you....please share your event with pics!

  7. Happy Veterans Day Lauren!!!!! Have a fun weekend,Hugs Francine.

  8. Hope you have little to take home after the show. I love that pillow in the photo. Please share your pictures with us.

  9. Happy Veteran's Day! Enjoy the show! This is one of the shows I'd really love to be able to attend...


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)