Sunday, November 6, 2016

Class Pictures ~

Our group picture from the Caroline Twigg, Eagles Nest Woolens class.  I think everyone just loved it.
The last afternoon we had a throw down to show progress that was made.

That's Caroline on the left and friend Kaye on the right.  Caroline just had the nicest things to say about everyone's rugs.

Kaye's rug.  Pattern by Maggie Bonanomi.  She had some of it hooked before class and she must be the queen of reverse hooking, but when done, her rug will be magnificent :)

Some of Caroline's rugs.  Sorry the color is so washed out.

If you plan to attend the ATHA biennial in Cleveland next October, Caroline will be teaching.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Enjoyed seeing the photos, so many amazing rugs and i love the fox.


  2. Hi Lauren,
    Looks like you had a fantastic time! Love all the beautiful rugs!!!
    Oh, and forgot to mention that NED looks awesome!!!!
    Enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  3. Thanks for sharing this fun day and all the wonderful rugs!

  4. Looks like a wonderful Time with lots of talent

  5. Thanks for sharing the photos of the rugs, it looks like some great rugs being started!

  6. Love seeing all the beautiful work!! Fantastic!

  7. oh just beautiful rugs! loved seeing them, looks like everyone had a great time ~ thank you for giving us a peek!

  8. What fun!! I love seeing all of those rugs like that and I love the artistry.
    What a nice time you must have had. Thank you so much for sharing your day.

  9. Looks like so much fun Lauren, such beautiful rugs.Hugs Francine.

  10. Loved seeing the class pics and rugs. My favorite by far was the last little Fox with proddy. Who did it?

  11. Thank you for sharing class pics! Beautiful rugs! I'd love to see more of that Maggie B rug! It's a biggie, and going to hook up magnificently! :-)


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