Thursday, October 6, 2016

Like an Old Friend ~

You know how it is is when you haven't seen a friend for years and when you do, it's like you saw them yesterday?  Today I had the pleasure of meeting Julie (and hubby Jeff) from the blog My Primitive Heart.  When I invited myself to her house, she graciously said yes :)  (Thank you, Julie.). Meeting her was just like meeting an old friend.

Here we are.  Isn't she just too cute?  (I can't believe I'm posting another picture of me!)

She was so sweet and allowed me to take pictures of her house.  It is perfectly primitive.  Thank you, Julie, for permitting me to share a few.

Her sewing room is wonderful and so well organized!  Her work is perfection and if you ever get a chance to purchase one of creations, you will not be disappointed.

A few of her creations.

Look at all the beautifully organized fabric and wool.

She gifted me with the most wonderful make do pincushion and some vintage velvet, but I packed it away before taking a picture so I will share at a later date.

Here's the progress on my rug.  11/12 done, but I see some reverse hooking that needs to be done.  I need to redistribute some of the very light wool and the one center diamond needs more dark colors.  I did have enough of the dark wool to outline with 1 1/2 worms to spare.  

Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow on our way to Los Angeles.  We are heading that way to visit my older son.  It will be so good to see him!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and thank you again, Julia, for your hospitality.
Pug hugs :)


  1. 2 of my favorite blogging ladies! Thanks for sharing. It is nice to see you are enjoying your retirement Lauren, you look great!
    Have a wonderful trip. Hugs!

  2. You both look great! How wonderful you got to see her sweet home.
    enjoy every minute of your retirement and it looks like your off to a good start.

  3. So great to see two of my blogger friends together. I've never met either of you yet our daily conversations make me feel as though I've known you both for years. Save travels. Oh, and I'm envious that you got to see Julie and her beautiful home filled with all those handmade treasures.

  4. Oh my goodness...I'm so happy you two sweet ladies got to meet in person! Two of my favorite people!! I'm a little jealous of you Lauren. ;-) I wish I could meet Julie and spend some time with her in person too. Love Julie's home and how she decorates it. You both look beautiful! Continued safe travels. Love your rug! Lori

  5. Thanks for sharing your visit with Julie. What a treat to meet Julie in person and at her home... It's a great feeling to meet a good blogger friend. When by pure chance, I met Kim from Millie's Mat several years ago at Deanne Fitzpatrick's studio, it was so wonderful.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  6. Beautiful pictures, Lauren. Julie is a doll! Love her home!

  7. Morning Lauren, such a sweet picture of you and Julie, I love her, she is one of the sweetest gals in blogging as you are. Her home is prim prefect, I love her creations too. Thank you for sharing, Hugs Francine.

  8. Her house is amazing, thank you for these wonderful pictures. What a treasure.

  9. Hi Lauren,
    It was so much fun meeting you and spending time together!!! You are such a kind and generous person who truly made me feel so special! I'm so happy you took time out of your trip to spend time with me! What a lovely post and your pictures make my humble home look amazing! Yes, it felt like we had been friends for a long time!
    Enjoy the rest of your trip and stay safe, my friend!
    Big Heart Hugs~
    Julie xo

  10. It is so wonderful that you two got to meet! Love her home and all of her wonderful things she makes! Safe travels as you continue on!

  11. Oh my goodness ... how special to be able to meet like this. Your are both two of my favorite blogging ladies. Seeing Julie's 'picture book perfect' home and enjoying your eventful, cross country travels are on top of my daily 'TO DO' list.
    Once again thank you both so much for sharing.

    Enjoy the day and keep safe
    & as always Peace for all,


  12. Love your rug ! Julie's home is gorgeous ! She has beautiful old cupboards for her pretty treasures ! Have a great trip !

  13. What a treat to see a "primitive" home. Mine is just plain old. LOL I am so glad that you are having such fun. And your pictures are perfect!! Have a wonderful visit with your son!

  14. What a wonderful home and so gracious of Julie to welcome you into her home.


  15. What a great picture of the two of you. Love Julie's prim home! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Her collections are so sweet. She has a gift for putting it all together.

  17. Wow what fun Lauren, I have read her blog and always I am so impressed. So great to see her in person with you.
    It sounds like you are having fun.
    I bet you have a very nice weekend seeing your oldest son. I have loved seeing your trip.

  18. How awesome you and Julie were able to meet in person! Two beautiful ladies inside and out!!
    Love Julie's home.... her creative talent just shines in every corner!
    Cathy G

  19. so glad you were able to meet up!


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